Get Seen When It Counts

Get seen by the right crowd

Have You Ever Heard About The Cero Moment Of Truth?

Things have changed in the adver­tis­ing world.  It used to be that tourists arrived in Puer­to Rico, they picked up a cou­ple of pub­li­ca­tions at the air­port –or at their hotel– and maybe —just maybe— they saw your ad and called you.

Well guess what? Those days are over!

Now, they sit in the com­fort of their own home, months in advance, grab an iPad or their lap­top, and plan their entire trip.  Hence, they rarely look at ads in paper pub­li­ca­tions any­more. Why?   Because –by the time they arrive on the Island– they already know where they’re going.

This is called the cero moment of truth.  The deci­sion to buy takes place long before the cus­tomer arrives.  So if you place your ads on paper pub­li­ca­tions your mes­sage will be tardy to the party.

And just so you know, I did­n’t come up with this term.  It was cre­at­ed by the peo­ple at Google and if you want to learn all about it you can down­load their free e‑book that packs over 100 pages of pure mar­ket­ing genius!

But, I know what you’re think­ing: “what about ban­ner blind­ness”?  Isn’t it true that most ban­ners nev­er get clicked on?  You’re absolute­ly right!  That’s why we don’t sell you a ban­ner.  Our ads look like infor­ma­tion, in the form of a directory!

And don’t get me wrong. It’s not that we feed our read­ers adver­tis­ing, when what they think they’re get­ting is hon­est to God infor­ma­tion.  Absolute­ly not!  Our phi­los­o­phy is clear and sim­ple, and we state it right on our front page: “we don’t sug­ar coat real­i­ty… we tell it like it is”.  So if at any point we detect that one of our adver­tis­ers is trick­ing, deceiv­ing or mis­lead­ing our read­ers his/her ad will be can­celled and any remain­ing bal­ance will be reimbursed.

That’s how you gain the trust of your read­ers.  That’s how you stay in busi­ness for a long time.

So how does this work?

Basi­cal­ly there are three ways to pro­mote your busi­ness with Puer­to Rico By GPS:  spon­sor­ships, inter­views and our directory.

Spon­sors can have their logo placed on the low­er left cor­ner of our front-page pho­to slid­er, an insert in our direc­to­ry and an inter­view in our blog.  Most inter­views will include video or audio depend­ing on the type of prod­uct or service.

You can also pur­chase an inter­view sep­a­rate­ly.  We will vis­it your place of busi­ness, inter­view the per­son of your chos­ing, record audio or video, and make pho­tographs as need­ed.  All inter­views are con­duct­ed in Eng­lish (no exceptions).

Then we will place it in our blog sec­tion along with a GPS map (like the ones that you see on every des­ti­na­tion on this site) lead­ing straight to your front door.

Final­ly, you can pur­chase an inser­tion in our direc­to­ry.  Every inser­tion can include:

  • Busi­ness name
  • Descrip­tion (up to 1,000 char­ac­ters of text)
  • 12 Pho­tos (600px X 400px)(customer supplied)
  • 3 YouTube videos (cus­tomer supplied)
  • Tele­phone number
  • Fax num­ber
  • Cel­lu­lar number
  • Web­site URL
  • Email address
  • Face­book fan page URL
  • Twit­ter URL
  • Street address
  • GPS Coor­di­nates
  • Google Map (coor­di­nate based)
  • Social media “share” button

In fact, our direc­to­ry list­ings are so com­plete that, if you don’t have a web­site, you can sim­ply pur­chase a domain with GoDad­dy and point it to our list­ing and have an instant web pres­ence for just pen­nies a day.  And if you don’t know how to do that we’ll help you too!

What Makes Us Different?

Peo­ple don’t want to read ads. They want infor­ma­tion. So we give them exact­ly what they want: com­plete, detailed infor­ma­tion about your prod­uct or ser­vice in an infor­ma­tive and non-threat­en­ing way.  Then we show them exact­ly how to get to your place of business.

That way they’ll know all about you and your busi­ness well before they arrive on the Island; and more impor­tant­ly, when it counts.

And by the way, none of this is writ­ten in stone.  If you have your own ideas, that you would like to run by us —by all means— give us a call today at 787–306-1590 and lets put Puer­to Rico and your busi­ness on the map!