Balneario Pico De Piedra


Balneario Pico De Piedra, a beautiful beach that is known for its underwater currents. Be careful.

Bal­n­eario Pico De Piedra, a beau­ti­ful beach that is known for its under­wa­ter cur­rents. Be careful.

Bal­n­eario Pico De Piedra is locat­ed in the small town of Agua­da on the west­ern coast of Puer­to Rico.  It’s a “bal­n­eario” so that means that it has crys­tal clear water, ample park­ing, show­ers, restrooms, life­guards, safe­ty buoys, con­ces­sion stands and gazebos.

How­ev­er, Bal­n­eario Pico de Piedra is just east of where the Guayabo Riv­er meets the ocean so the water can be rather tur­bid after rainy peri­ods.  This beach is also famous for under­wa­ter cur­rents dur­ing the win­ter months, so check out weath­er con­di­tions before ven­tur­ing into the water.

Dur­ing the week this beach is prac­ti­cal­ly desert­ed.  On the east side there’s an area that’s per­fect for snorkeling.

Agua­da is a small town of about 40,000 inhab­i­tants.  The name “agua­da” means water­ing place.  Although there is no his­tor­i­cal proof, many believe that this is where Christo­pher Colum­bus land­ed on his sec­ond voy­age of dis­cov­ery.  The near­by Cule­bri­nas Riv­er would have been an excel­lent source of fresh water for his ships.

Enjoy Puer­to Rico!!!

Orlan­do Mergal

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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2 thoughts on “Balneario Pico De Piedra”

  1. Agua­da is my home­town. My dad had a cousin who passed away a year ago. He was a His­to­ry teacher. He told us once that he was inves­ti­gat­ing with oth­er teach­ers of the area about the land­ing of Cristo­bal Colom­bus in the area of Agua­da. They did not fin­ish the inves­ti­ga­tion, but they think that they found some links to that land­ing, and they are pret­ty sure is was in Agua­da. So sor­ry I don’t have more info, and he passed away with all that trea­sure with him. But it was interesting.

    1. Actu­al­ly, as far as I know Colum­bus nev­er touched Puer­to Rican soil. His sailors did. He nev­er got off the ship.

      How­ev­er, it makes sense that he make a stopover in the Agua­da area because he was com­ing from the west.

      Thank you for vis­it­ing Puer­to Rico By GPS.

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