Playa Del Tamarindo

Palaya del Tamarindo, Guánica, Puerto Rico

Playa del Tamarindo is on road 333 in the munic­i­pal­i­ty of Guáni­ca on the Puer­to Rico’s south­ern coast.  It’s actu­al­ly inside the Guáni­ca Dry For­est area.  This a nat­ur­al beach, so that means no park­ing, show­ers, restrooms, life­guards, safe­ty buoys, con­ces­sion stands, gaze­bos, recy­cling bins, sig­nage or writ­ten material.

And in the case of Playa del Tamarindo the term “nat­ur­al beach” can also mean “no peo­ple”.  The place is soli­tary.  How­ev­er, the place is also beau­ti­ful so I thought I’d include it.

The water is crys­tal clear.  The sand is bright and fluffy.  And the surf is… well, let’s just say that it depends.  Tech­ni­cal­ly Playa del Tamarindo isn’t even a beach.  It’s actu­al­ly the open sea.  So that means that the surf can be quite high at times, there can be under­wa­ter cur­rents and it gets deep pret­ty quick.  So be extra care­ful.

The Guáni­ca Dry For­est is home to many endan­gered species in Puer­to Rico.  It’s called a dry for­est because of the low amount of pre­cip­i­ta­tion that it gets year ’round. You will notice that trees in this area have small­er leaves and you’ll also notice a greater abun­dance of cactus.

What does this all mean to you as a beach enthu­si­ast?  Bring lots of liq­uid!!!  The blis­ter­ing hot sun, almost no shade and dry air at Playa del Tamarindo will dehy­drate you in no time.  An abun­dant dose of sun­block is also in order.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

Dis­clo­sure of Mate­r­i­al Con­nec­tion: Some of the links in this post are “affil­i­ate links.” This means that if you click on a link and pur­chase an item, I will receive an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion. Regard­less, I only rec­om­mend prod­ucts or ser­vices that I use per­son­al­ly and believe will add val­ue to my read­ers. I am dis­clos­ing this in accor­dance with the Fed­er­al Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Con­cern­ing the Use of Endorse­ments and Tes­ti­mo­ni­als in Advertising.”

2 thoughts on “Playa Del Tamarindo”

  1. I vis­it­ed Guáni­ca Dry For­est sev­er­al years ago and found it very inter­est — such a con­trast to the lush trop­i­cal for­est on the north­east side of the island. Very much enjoyed my stay at Copa­ma­ri­na Resort, too.

    1. I’m glad you liked Puer­to Rico.

      The south­ern coast of Puer­to Rico is total­ly dif­fer­ent from the north. One is is humid and green while the oth­er dry and sort of desert like.

      How­ev­er, this time of year is the per­fect time to come. Why? Because in most of the Unit­ed States it’s snow­ing out­side, and in Puer­to Rico the win­ter months are the most beau­ti­ful. So maybe you’d like to come back.

      Best regards,

      Orlan­do Mergal

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