Puerto Rico Heineken Jazzfest 2015 in Pictures


On Wednes­day, March 18th I wrote about the upcom­ing 25th Anniver­sary of the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest.  So rather than bore you with all the details of who played when, or how good they were (because they were all out­stand­ing), I thought it would be bet­ter just to show you.  After four days of per­fect weath­er I end­ed up with thou­sands of images, so this is only a small representation.

As a long­time attendee (20 years) of the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest I must say that this fes­ti­val is much more than a musi­cal event.  It’s a gath­er­ing of friends who meet once a year to enjoy the best music in the world on the most beau­ti­ful Island in the Caribbean.  There’s even a group of fans that call them­selves “El Sindi­ca­to Del Jazz” who meet every year on Sun­day after­noon to enjoy a bar­beque, beer, refresh­ments, music and good con­ver­sa­tion right before the final event.

So if you missed it this year, be sure to put the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest on your list for 2016.

Enjoy the pictures!

©2015,Orlando Mer­gal, MA

Bilin­gual Con­tent Cre­ator, Blog­ger, Pod­cast­er,
Author, Pho­tog­ra­ph­er and New Media Expert
Tel. 787–750-0000, Mobile 787–306-1590


Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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