Puerto Rico Heineken Jazzfest Turns 25!

Puerto Rico jeineken Jazzfest 2012

Puer­to Rico jeineken Jaz­zfest 2012

It’s that time of year when jazz lovers from every cor­ner of Puer­to Rico, and many oth­er coun­tries, gath­er at the Tito Puente Amphithe­ater, in San Juan, Puer­to Rico to enjoy four con­sec­u­tive days of the best music in the world! And this year it’s going to be even bet­ter, as the fes­ti­val cel­e­brates its 25th anniver­sary bring­ing the best jazz tal­ent to our lit­tle island in the Caribbean.

The first offi­cial Heineken Jaz­zfest was cel­e­brat­ed in 1991 and it fea­tured inter­na­tion­al stars like Cuban sax­o­phon­ist Paquito de Rivera, Peru­vian drum­mer Alex Acuña, Mex­i­can bassist Abra­ham Laboriel, Puer­to Rican trum­pet play­er Hum­ber­to Ramírez and Puer­to Rican per­cus­sion­ist Gio­van­ni Hidal­go. And that was just a taste of what would become one of the most exquis­ite jazz events in the world.

Cuban pianist Chucho Valdés during the 2001 Puerto Rico Heineken Jazzfest

Cuban pianist Chu­cho Valdés dur­ing the 2001 Puer­to Rico Heineken Jazzfest

Through­out its 25-year his­to­ry the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest has fea­tured local and inter­na­tion­al artists such as:

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  • Michel Cami­lo
  • Andy Narell
  • Amuny Nac­er
  • Mon­go Santamaría
  • Slide Hamp­ton
  • Jorge Laboy
  • Car­los Guedes
  • Diane Schur
  • David Sánchez
  • Elliot Feyjó
  • William Cepe­da
  • Gon­za­lo Rubalcaba
  • Eddie Gómez
  • Igna­cio Berroa
  • The Yel­low Jackets
  • Tito Puente
  • Hilton Ruiz
  • Israel López “Cachao”
  • Rober­to Perera
  • Ken­ny Burrell
  • Ray Bar­reto
  • Spy­ro Gyra
  • Joe Lovano

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  • Diana Krall
  • Eddie Palmieri
  • Arturo San­doval
  • Bob James
  • Earl Klugh
  • Bil­ly Taylor
  • Eliane Elías
  • Jer­ry Medina
  • Pon­cho Sánchez
  • The Rip­pin­tons
  • Bat­acum­bele
  • The Man­hat­tan Transfer
  • Dave Valen­tín
  • Strunz and Farah
  • Chu­cho Valdés
  • Tania María
  • Irakere
  • Pata­to Valdés
  • Al Jar­reau
  • Acoustic Alche­my
  • Miguel Zenón
  • Chick Corea
  • Gary Bur­ton

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  • Nue­va Manteca
  • Air­to Moreira
  • Gato Bar­bi­eri
  • Mon­ty Alexander
  • Diane Reeves
  • Gal Cos­ta
  • Al Di Meola
  • Nés­tor Torres
  • John Fad­dis
  • Bud­dy Guy
  • Egui Cas­tril­lo
  • Dave Samuels
  • Car­li Muñoz
  • Negroni’s Trio
  • Lee Rite­nour
  • The Dizzy Gille­spie All Star Band
  • The Duke Elling­ton Orchestra
  • Ram­sey Lewis
  • Stan­ley Clarke
  • Paco de Lucía
  • McCoy Tyn­er
    and many, many others.


Cachete Maldonado during the1999 Puerto Rico Heineken Jazzfest

Cachete Mal­don­a­do. Click on image to see it larger.

This year the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest’s line­up could­n’t get any bet­ter. It all starts on Thurs­day, March 26, with the “Juli­to Alvara­do Jazz Group” fol­lowed by “Mil­lo Tor­res and Plan­e­ta Jazz”. Both these musi­cians have vis­it­ed the Jaz­zfest’s stage before and they’re sure to kick the fes­ti­val into high gear from the very start.

Fri­day it all begins with Gram­my award win­ning Puer­to Rican sax­o­phon­ist David Sánchez and his Quin­tet fol­lowed by world renowned Puer­to Rican bassist Eddie Gómez and his Quar­tet and the all star group “Vol­can” fea­tur­ing Cuban bassist José Arman­do Gola, Cuban drum­mer Hora­cio “El Negro” Hernán­dez, Puer­to Rican per­cus­sion­ist Gio­van­ni Hidal­go and Cuban pianist Gon­za­lo Rubal­ca­ba. These artists have record­ed over 150 albums (togeth­er or indi­vid­u­al­ly) which have led to var­i­ous Gram­my Awards.

Sat­ur­day night Lar­ry Mon­roe takes the stage with vet­er­an jazz singer Don­na McEl­roy. Lar­ry and Don­na are no strangers to the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest. Not only is Lar­ry, a vir­tu­oso sax­o­phon­ist by trade, but he also had a long and dis­tin­guished career with the Berklee Col­lege of Music, one of the fes­ti­val’s most impor­tant col­lab­o­ra­tors. Don­na has also been a men­tor and edu­ca­tor at Berkley dur­ing her long and illus­tri­ous career.

Michel Camilo, Puerto Rico Heineken Jazzfest 2000

Michel Cami­lo. Click on image to see it larger

Sat­ur­day’s sec­ond act fea­tures Michel Cami­lo with a new con­cept that he likes to call “Three + Three”, which also fea­tures: Michael Bowie, Daf­nis Pri­eto, Ralph Bowen, Alexan­dre Sip­i­aguine, Patrick La Mar­ca and Con­rad Her­wig. Cami­lo is a Domini­can vir­tu­oso piano play­er who has won the Gram­my, Latin Gram­my and Emmy awards with his light­ning fast style and inno­v­a­tive arrangements.

And to top it all off Mex­i­can bassist Abra­ham Laboriel and his group “Open Hands” take the stage to make this a Sat­ur­day night that you’ll remem­ber for­ev­er. Laboriel played the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest in 2012 when he was the even­t’s hon­oree. “Open Hands” also fea­tures Jus­to Almario, Greg Math­ieson y Bill Maxwell.

Sun­day the event comes to an end, but by no means does it slow down. Not by a long shot. Eddie Palmieri and his Afro-Caribbean Jazz Septet kick off the night with high ener­gy Afro-Caribbean Jazz rhythms that are sure to bring you to your feet. Then Gio­van­ni Tom­ma­so and his Con­so­nan­ti Quar­tet add their Euro­pean jazz touch to round off the fes­ti­val. And the for the grand finale some­thing that many of us “reg­u­lars” have been sug­gest­ing for years: the “25th Anniver­sary All-Star Pre­sen­ta­tion” con­duct­ed by Michelle Cami­lo fea­tur­ing many sur­prise stars that have played the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest dur­ing its 25-year history.

Poncho Sánchez during the 2006 Puerto Rico Heineken Jazzfest

Pon­cho Sánchez. Click on image to see it larger.

So, what’s the plan? Well, if you are a jazz lover like me and you’re still endur­ing this year’s mis­er­able weath­er (which I haven’t), why not take a few days off, catch a flight to Puer­to Rico, stay at one of our excel­lent hotels, spend your days at the beach and enjoy an event like no oth­er in the world?

Tick­ets start are just $20 for Thurs­day night and $30 per night from Fri­day thru Sun­day. Even bet­ter, you can buy a Jazz Pass cov­er­ing all four nights for just $100. Where else in the world can you enjoy this kind of tal­ent for just $25 per night?

Tick­ets can be pur­chased online at www.ticketpop.com or at “La Bode­ga De Mén­dez” in Guayn­abo (787) 277‑5800, Ponce (787) 651‑1999 or Añas­co (787) 826‑7570.

For more infor­ma­tion vis­it the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest web­site at www.prheinekenjazz.com. Pho­tos cour­tesy of Joe Colón.

Enjoy Puer­to Rico!

©2015,Orlando Mer­gal, MA

Bilin­gual Con­tent Cre­ator, Blog­ger, Pod­cast­er,
Author, Pho­tog­ra­ph­er and New Media Expert
Tel. 787–750-0000, Mobile 787–306-1590


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