San Juan Circo Fest 2014… A Smashing Success!

The First Inter­na­tion­al Cir­cus and Street Per­for­mance Fes­ti­val of Puer­to Rico, bet­ter known among the locals as “Cir­co Fest de San Juan 2014” was so suc­cess­ful that it went well beyond its orga­niz­ers wildest dreams.  The event took place dur­ing Saint Valen­tine’s Day week­end on San Fran­cis­co Street in Old San Juan, Puer­to Rico.

Thou­sands of vis­i­tors from Puer­to Rico and abroad flood­ed the streets of Old San Juan to watch over forty street acts includ­ing: the­ater per­form­ers, pup­peteers, musi­cians, cir­cus acts and artists.

Old San Juan is the place where the famous San Sebas­t­ian Street fies­tas take place every year on the third week­end of Jan­u­ary.  But this event was dif­fer­ent.  This was a fam­i­ly event.  No food or liquor was sold in the street so that dis­cour­aged the row­dy type of crowd that usu­al­ly gath­ers at San Sebas­t­ian Street.

Instead there were thou­sands of chil­dren with their par­ents, and even with their grand­par­ents, flood­ing San Fran­cis­co street from Plaza Colón to Plaza De Armas. And the weath­er could­n’t have been bet­ter.  Puer­to Rico’s Feb­ru­ary sky was so blue that it made your eyes hurt!

And the event?  Well let just say that it was fun, fun, fun. This is the kind of clean, whole­some enter­tain­ment that Puer­to Rico needs more of.

Enjoy Puer­to Rico,

©2014,Orlando Mer­gal, MA

Bilin­gual Con­tent Cre­ator, Blog­ger, Pod­cast­er,
Author, Pho­tog­ra­ph­er and New Media Expert
Tel. 787–750-0000, Mobile 787–306-1590


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