Thanksgiving Day In Puerto Rico

Thanks­giv­ing Day is a hol­i­day in Puer­to Rico.  But it has very lit­tle to do with Pil­grims and Indi­ans.  It’s a day for shar­ing with fam­i­ly and friends, eat­ing lots of deli­cious food, hav­ing a few drinks (some­times too many), putting up a tree and kick­ing off the Christ­mas sea­son. That’s right!  Christ­mas in Puer­to Rico starts on Thanks­giv­ing Day Con­tin­ue reading…

An Afternoon at “La Campechada”

Yes­ter­day we caught a break in the weath­er.  I’m no weath­er­man, but with­out a doubt, 2013 must have been one of the raini­est years in Puer­to Rican his­to­ry.  So nat­u­ral­ly, when my wife and I looked out the win­dow in the morn­ing and we say a pris­tine blue sky, we hit the road. On my last post, about Fort San Felipe Con­tin­ue reading…

Discover Fort San Felipe del Morro in Old San Juan

If there’s one word that describes Fort San Felipe del Mor­ro, in San Juan, Puer­to Rico it’s awe­some!  And that’s exact­ly what the weath­er was also like this past week­end.  It was awe­some.  So Zorai­da and I took to the road to fin­ish this two-part series about the Span­ish Forts in Puer­to Rico. Fort San Felipe del Mor­ro is a 6‑level Con­tin­ue reading…

A Visit To Fort San Cristóbal in Old San Juan

Yes­ter­day was a mug­gy day.  The weath­er lady had fore­cast­ed rain in the after­noon so my wife and I decid­ed to stay close to home instead of explor­ing some remote part of the Island. Old San Juan is just 12 miles away from our home so we decid­ed to go there.  Old San Juan is the old­est city in Puer­to Con­tin­ue reading…

10 Things To Do In Puerto Rico While The US Government Is Closed

So you already booked a trip to Puer­to Rico —or you just arrived— and the forts in Old San Juan are closed?  You thought about vis­it­ing El Yunque Nation­al Rain­for­est but, guess what?  That’s closed too. Now you have an entire day at your dis­pos­al (if you arrived on a cruise ship) or sev­er­al, if you arrived by plane.  Noth­ing Con­tin­ue reading…