Luis Muñoz Marín Foundation
“An Adventure in History”

In Puer­to Rico we have a say­ing: “Los pueb­los que no cono­cen su his­to­ria están con­de­na­dos a repe­tir­la” (Peo­ple who don’t know their his­to­ry are doomed to repeat it). How­ev­er, it’s not a local phrase. It was first coined by the Span­ish poet George San­tayana at the dawn of the 20th Cen­tu­ry. How­ev­er, that’s one of the first ques­tions that Con­tin­ue reading…

Museum Of The Americas, A Rare Gem In Old San Juan, PR

Most peo­ple that vis­it Puer­to Rico come here because of a hand­ful of rea­sons. Some come because of the beach­es.  Oth­ers come because of the Span­ish forts in Old San Juan.  Still oth­ers come because of the mar­velous Puer­to Rican cui­sine and the trop­i­cal cli­mate. But very few come because of our muse­ums. Well, let me tell you.  That’s a Con­tin­ue reading…

The “Life” Of A Statue In Old San Juan… Part 1

Being a stat­ue isn’t easy, espe­cial­ly in Old San Juan.  Most peo­ple walk right by you like you aren’t even there.  Oth­ers might be curi­ous, but since you don’t even have a plac­ard below you —or it’s so worn out that it’s unread­able— they sim­ply go about their life and ignore you com­plete­ly.  What a life!!! Yes­ter­day I was in Old Con­tin­ue reading…