The 2014 San Sebastian Street Fiestas Are Underway!

Yes­ter­day was a great day in Old San Juan.  Despite a lit­tle rain a few min­utes before com­mence­ment, the 2014 edi­tion of the San Sebas­t­ian Street Fies­tas start­ed right on time about 5:00pm. Writ­ing a whole new post about the 2014 San Sebas­t­ian Street Fies­tas (or SanSe 2014, like the younger crowd has come to call them) would be redun­dant.  Con­tin­ue reading…

San Sebastian Street Fiestas 2014… Let The Party Begin!

Christ­mas is almost over for many Amer­i­cans. Just yes­ter­day they were tear­ing open their presents, and in 5 more days they’ll be count­ing down the hours to 2014. Then it’ll be back to work. Not in Puer­to Rico! In Puer­to Rico the par­ty is just begin­ning. Christ­mas on the Island kicks off on Thanks­giv­ing Day and extends all the way to Con­tin­ue reading…