The “Life” Of A Statue In Old San Juan… Part 2

After you pass “La Prince­sa Prom­e­nade” and the “Raíces” foun­tain there’s a walk­way that bor­ders the San Juan city wall all the way to the base of Fort San Felipe del Mor­ro.  How­ev­er, today we’ll only be fol­low­ing this walk­way to San Juan Gate, where vis­i­tors to Puer­to Rico would dis­em­bark dur­ing ear­ly colo­nial times. A few steps before reach­ing San Con­tin­ue reading…

The “Life” Of A Statue In Old San Juan… Part 1

Being a stat­ue isn’t easy, espe­cial­ly in Old San Juan.  Most peo­ple walk right by you like you aren’t even there.  Oth­ers might be curi­ous, but since you don’t even have a plac­ard below you —or it’s so worn out that it’s unread­able— they sim­ply go about their life and ignore you com­plete­ly.  What a life!!! Yes­ter­day I was in Old Con­tin­ue reading…