Check Out Our ebay Listings

A project like Puer­to Rico By GPS takes time, effort and mon­ey. Yet, expe­ri­ence has taught us that ask­ing the pub­lic for dona­tions is a waste of time.

That’s why we’ve come up with a win-win solu­tion; unique sou­venirs, that you won’t find any­where else, and you’ll be proud to show your friends and loved ones. For exam­ple, every pho­to used on our prod­ucts was shot by me, and I pride myself in shoot­ing unique images.

And, to make sure that you’ll buy in con­fi­dence, we decid­ed not to use a shop­ping cart either. Instead, we linked direct­ly to our ebay account where you’ll see our 100% pos­i­tive clas­si­fi­ca­tion.

Take a few min­utes to look around. I’m sure you’ll find some­thing you’ll like.