La Isla” The Rest Of The Island

Once you leave the San Juan Metro­plex behind it’s like enter­ing an entire­ly dif­fer­ent coun­try.  Traf­fic becomes eas­i­er, the tem­per­a­ture is more pleas­ing, peo­ple are nicer, the pace is slow­er, prices are a lit­tle bit low­er and you get that feel­ing of expanse and lib­er­ty that you won’t find any­where in the con­crete jungle.

I guess that’s the case when you go out­side most major cities, but in Puer­to Rico it’s quite evident.

There are sev­er­al ways to break down the Island depend­ing on where you decide to stay, but most locals like to divide it into six areas: the north, the west, the south, the east, the moun­tains and the San Juan Metro­plex or (Área Met­ro­pol­i­tana).  Maybe your ask­ing your­self: “hey, what hap­pened to the moun­tains”?  Well, actu­al­ly for this site we divid­ed the Island into four parts, so the moun­tain land­marks will fall with­in one of those quadrants.

Puer­to Rico is only 100 miles from east to west and 35 miles from north to south (give or take a few miles, depend­ing on who you ask), so actu­al­ly most trips can start and end in San Juan. How­ev­er, if you real­ly want to take in the beau­ty and fla­vor of Puer­to Rico’s small towns you might con­sid­er stay­ing at a small hotel or “parador” clos­er to the area that you’ll be exploring.

Puer­to Rico has an excel­lent assort­ment of small hotels called “paradores” that are com­fort­able, clean, safe, afford­able, and most impor­tant­ly, “right there” where you want to be.

This sec­tion fol­lows the same sys­tem that you’ll find under the “San Juan Metro­plex” menu: a gen­er­al map with mark­ers for all the main land­marks, indi­vid­ual pages with a lit­tle more infor­ma­tion about each land­mark and a spe­cif­ic map to reach that location.

So, once again, let’s get started…

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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