Cataño, Puerto Rico, Where Possibilities Meet Reality 

  I start­ed this series about “5 Must-See Places in the town of ???” last Jan­u­ary in the town of Car­oli­na. And while some towns have more than lived up to my expec­ta­tions, oth­ers have not quite hit the mark. I guess you can find “5 Must-See” places any­where, if you look hard enough, but in some cas­es I just Con­tin­ue reading…

Bayamón, A Hidden Treasure Just 13 Miles Away
“My tale about spending a day in “la ciudad del chicharrón””

It was the morn­ing of Feb­ru­ary 28, 2023. The sky out­side was so blue that it made your eyes hurt. And to top it all off, the tem­per­a­ture was a mild 78 degrees. It was the per­fect day to go for a walk. So why not do it in a place that I hadn’t vis­it­ed in 50 years; a place Con­tin­ue reading…

A Friday Morning in Aguas Buenas 

Twen­ty twen­­ty-three has been a busy year at Puer­to Rico By GPS. We start­ed with an ambi­tious goal: “to vis­it all 78 munic­i­pal­i­ties in Puer­to Rico to pro­duce a video and how­ev­er many blog posts were war­rant­ed for each town­ship”. The idea was —and still is— to end up with the most com­pre­hen­sive col­lec­tion of pho­tographs, video and arti­cles about Con­tin­ue reading…

10 Most Frequent Questions About Puerto Rico 

Are you sick and tired of the freez­ing cold, shov­el­ling snow and being trapped inside? Or maybe it’s the oppo­site sit­u­a­tion: it’s 125° out­side, your air con­di­tion­er just can’t keep up and —once again— you’re sick and tired of being trapped inside. Did you know that there’s a place, just off the east­ern coast of the Unit­ed States, where the Con­tin­ue reading…

Caguas, Puerto Rico | Seven Smiles And A Frown

“Our Experiences Exploring The “Center And Heart Of Puerto Rico””

Today we’re going to talk about Caguas, Puer­to Rico, “cen­tro y corazón de Puer­to Rico” (cen­ter and heart of Puer­to Rico). Well, let’s just set the record straight, I’m all for moti­va­tion and “pep­per uppers” but, for those of you vis­it­ing from the main­land, the geo­graph­i­cal cen­ter of Puer­to Rico is actu­al­ly in the “Pelle­jas” ward of the town of Con­tin­ue reading…

Gurabo Is Much More Than “El Cerro” 

Gurabo is one of those lit­tle towns in Puer­to Rico that many peo­ple just ignore. It’s east of Caguas, a larg­er city, and south of San Juan, the Island’s cap­i­tal. So it’s on the way to some­thing, next to some­where, but not some­thing in itself. Right? Wrong!!! Gurabo is great. I actu­al­ly spent an entire day there with my wife Con­tin­ue reading…

Luis Muñoz Marín Foundation
“An Adventure in History”

In Puer­to Rico we have a say­ing: “Los pueb­los que no cono­cen su his­to­ria están con­de­na­dos a repe­tir­la” (Peo­ple who don’t know their his­to­ry are doomed to repeat it). How­ev­er, it’s not a local phrase. It was first coined by the Span­ish poet George San­tayana at the dawn of the 20th Cen­tu­ry. How­ev­er, that’s one of the first ques­tions that Con­tin­ue reading…

Balneario de Carolina
“The Best Beach Near San Juan”

Puer­to Rico is all about beach­es. After all, it’s an Island, so it’s sur­round­ed by water. Right? But that doesn’t mean that all beach­es are the same. For­tu­nate­ly, many of Puer­to Rico’s best beach­es are right next to you, like the “Bal­n­eario de Car­oli­na”. That is, if you land­ed at Luis Muñoz Marín Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (SJU), and you’re stay­ing with­in Con­tin­ue reading…

10 Facts About Old San Juan and then some

Old San Juan is one of those won­der­ful places that peo­ple pay a small for­tune to vis­it and I have it for free. Why? Because it’s 12 ½ miles away from my home. And it’s beau­ti­ful. That’s God’s hon­est truth. When my chil­dren were kids (they’re all now in their 30’s) I took them so many times to Old San Juan Con­tin­ue reading…