Raíces” Fountain



The “Raíces” foun­tain is locat­ed at the far end of the “Paseo de la Prince­sa”.  It was unveiled on May 30, 1992 to com­mem­o­rate the 500th Anniver­sary of the Dis­cov­ery of Amer­i­ca, and to inau­gu­rate “La Prince­sa” prom­e­nade.  The foun­tain is com­prised of human fig­ures rep­re­sent­ing the Island’s Taíno, Span­ish and African heritage.

The Raices foun­tain is a beau­ti­ful work of art, but it’s also an exam­ple of how van­dal­ism and poor gov­ern­ment over­sight has helped dimin­ish qual­i­ty of life and the enjoy­ment of pub­lic places both for locals and for tourists.

Orig­i­nal­ly this foun­tain had a brass chain all around it, sup­port­ed by con­crete pil­lars with brass rings at the top.  Today the chain is gone, so are most of the brass rings and the only thing left is the con­crete pillars.

This oth­er­wise beau­ti­ful mon­u­ment is a sad tes­ta­ment to a decom­posed soci­ety that defaces its own pub­lic art and respects noth­ing and no one.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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