Arroyo, Puerto Rico | What It Is And What It’s Not 

The oth­er day my wife and I vis­it­ed the town of Arroyo, Puer­to Rico. It’s a lit­tle town on the south­ern coast of the Island that was one of those that took the brunt of hur­ri­cane María six years ago. Like many oth­er towns in Puer­to Rico the destruc­tion caused by hur­ri­cane María is there for all to see. The destroyed Con­tin­ue reading…

Cidra, Puerto Rico | The Town Where It’s Always Spring 

Glob­al warm­ing has become a real prob­lem. You can hard­ly turn on the news with­out learn­ing about a place that’s burn­ing up. And Puer­to Rico is no excep­tion. Just recent­ly we’ve had sev­er­al weeks with tem­per­a­tures exceed­ing 100°F. Thank­ful­ly, that’s not the case in Cidra, Puer­to Rico. At 1,417 feet above sea lev­el, tem­per­a­tures in Cidra are usu­al­ly sev­er­al degrees below Con­tin­ue reading…