Humacao, A Great Town Saddled By Puerto Rican Myopia 

The last time I was in Humacao was in August of 1971. I mean, I’ve gone through it hun­dreds of times, but to actu­al­ly walk its streets has tak­en that long. Back then I was a fresh­man at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Puer­to Rico’s Region­al Col­lege. How­ev­er, I didn’t com­plete my stud­ies there, because short­ly after the Region­al Col­lege in Bayamón Con­tin­ue reading…

Naguabo, The Town Of The “Dripping Wet” (los enchumbaos) 

OK, local Puer­to Ricans are going to have my head for this one. What’s that about the “drip­ping wet”? On the Island, peo­ple from Naguabo are called “los enchum­baos”. In fact, if we are going to express it cor­rect­ly it would be “los enchumba’os”, because the apos­tro­phe replaces de “d” that’s actu­al­ly miss­ing in the moniker. You see, in Span­ish Con­tin­ue reading…