Attention Tourism Operators

There’s a growing segment of travelers
that’s being ignored by most vendors.
Are you doing the same? 

Orlando Mergal | Round Frame | Puerto Rico By GPS

Orlan­do Mergal

Hi, my name is Orlan­do Mer­gal. I am the pub­lish­er of Puer­to Rico By GPS, a tourist blog that caters to Eng­lish-speak­ing tourists. But not just any tourists! Tourists like my wife and I, who explore loca­tions on our own, with­out a sched­ule or pre­de­ter­mined route.

These tourists aren’t cheap­skates! They just don’t like tours. They like to explore places by them­selves, at their leisure, in depth and away from excur­sions, cruis­es and tourist traps. If they like a place they stay, and if they don’t they leave!

Driving with GPS in handOh, and here’s anoth­er impor­tant fact about this group: they usu­al­ly don’t trav­el dur­ing peak sea­son.  Why? Because they hate the heat and the crowds. They usu­al­ly do it dur­ing shoul­der sea­son, which is good for your busi­ness and helps bal­ance things dur­ing those “slow­er” months.

And, believe it or not, they also stay in hotels and eat at restau­rants, just like any oth­er tourist. They don’t buy tours, but they do rent cars. They’re just a dif­fer­ent breed alto­geth­er. And guess what? They’re a grow­ing seg­ment with lots of mon­ey to spend.

Puer­to Rico By GPS was first pub­lished in 2013 to cater to this group. Dur­ing that 10-year peri­od we have cov­ered over 150 attrac­tions through­out Puer­to Rico pro­duc­ing hun­dreds of pho­tographs, text, audio, video and GPS coor­di­nates for each of them. Hence, the moniker “byg­ps”.

Grand Canyon National ParkDur­ing that same peri­od my wife and I have pur­sued oth­er pro­fes­sion­al ven­tures and trav­eled across the Unit­ed States vis­it­ing twen­ty-two U.S. Nation­al Parks and over 50 state parks. And we did it all on our own, with­out a sched­ule, and with­out a pre­de­ter­mined route. All we had was the Inter­net, the open road, our rental car, our gps and each oth­er. What else do you need?

So, as you can see, our blog effec­tive­ly speaks to peo­ple like us.

This year we start­ed a new series titled “5 Must-See Places in the Town Of XXX. We vis­it two towns per month, like any run-of-the-mill tourist, and then pro­duce a video and a 2500+ word post about our adven­tures. So far we’ve vis­it­ed 20 towns. The entire project (includ­ing all 78 munic­i­pal­i­ties) will take us about three years and 3 months to complete.

Become a partner…

Become a partnerWe are look­ing for part­ners in this ven­ture: hote­liers, car rental com­pa­nies, restau­rants, sports equip­ment renters, tourist attrac­tion oper­a­tors, muse­ums, and any oth­er ven­dor cater­ing to an Eng­lish-speak­ing crowd. Keep in mind that all our con­tent is ever­green. That means that each post (and your mes­sage) will live for years on the Inter­net. It’s a great way to stretch your mar­ket­ing dollars.

Río Grande City Square | Puerto Rico By GPS

Río Grande City Square
(click on image to see it larger)

So why us?  After all, there are dozens of cre­ators on the Inter­net pro­duc­ing con­tent about Puer­to Rico. Believe me, I’m aware. But none of them do what we do, or like we do it. Most of them pro­duce their con­tent in Span­ish (which caters most­ly to the local crowd) and many of their so-called videos are sim­ply drone footage void of any real infor­ma­tion. I mean, can you real­ly expect poten­tial vis­i­tors to learn some­thing when —in many cas­es— all they have are images with no soundtrack?

At Puer­to Rico By GPS we pro­duce high qual­i­ty, in-depth con­tent that’s actu­al­ly useful!

Our ide­al part­ners will be men­tioned in every post and in every video. Their com­pa­ny logos will be includ­ed promi­nent­ly as well.

If you’re inter­est­ed just do the following:

  • Vis­it Puer­to Rico By GPS, check out a cou­ple of our arti­cles and watch a cou­ple of our videos.
  • Then give us a call at 787–306-1590 for addi­tion­al information.

But don’t take for­ev­er, because we won’t over­load our con­tent with ads. Our objec­tive is to include only a select few.

Puer­to Rico is a won­der­ful place and we’d like our Eng­lish-speak­ing vis­i­tors to explore every cor­ner of it. Shouldn’t your busi­ness be on their radar too?

I hope to speak with you soon,

Orlando Mergal