Minillas Government Center


Minillas Government CenterThe Minil­las Gov­ern­ment Cen­ter (Cen­tro Guber­nal­men­tal Minil­las) is a build­ing com­plex in the heart of the San­turce area that can be seen from most of the Condado/Miramar area.  It stands on the cor­ner of De Diego street and Román Bal­do­ri­o­ty de Cas­tro express­way, across the street from the Puer­to Rico Muse­um of Art, and about 4–5 miles to the west of Luis Muñoz Marín Inter­na­tion­al Airport.

Like many gov­ern­ment build­ings in Puer­to Rico, the Minil­las Gov­ern­ment Cen­ter is in a sad state.  So much so that one of the tow­ers was declared “sick” and par­tial­ly closed for clean­ing just a cou­ple of years ago.

As a tourist, you prob­a­bly won’t have the need to vis­it the Minil­las Gov­ern­ment Cen­ter.  But there is one thing there that you might want to take a look at.  Right on the main square, between the two tow­ers, there’s a beau­ti­ful bronze stat­ue “Mujer Recli­na­da”  that every­body calls “la gor­da” (the fat lady) that’s lay­ing com­fort­ably on her side between the buildings.

I’m not sure what was exact­ly the mes­sage that the artist (Fer­nan­do Botero) want­ed to con­vey with this won­der­ful piece of mod­ern art, but I like it!

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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4 thoughts on “Minillas Government Center”

  1. I checked with the cen­sus report in 2010 and Wikipedia, and the map showed this build­ing is a part of the sub-bar­rios Pozo del Hato instead of Minil­las, which is a part of its name, even though it is part of Minil­las on the Google Map where the zon­ing is total­ly dif­fer­ent from the cen­sus and Wikipedia data. This is real­ly confusing,

    1. Believe me, it’s the Minil­las Gov­ern­ment Cen­ter. It’s locat­ed on Ave. De Diego cor­ner of Ave Román Bal­do­ri­o­ty de Cas­tro, right in front of the Museo de Puer­to Rico.

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