Boquerón Beach



Most of Puer­to Rico’s beach­es are stun­ning, but Boquerón is among the best.  Locat­ed on the south­west­ern tip of the Island, in the lit­tle town of Cabo Rojo, this blue flag beach is perfect!

The surf is almost nonex­is­tent.  Just a lit­tle rip­ple, about a cou­ple of inch­es high, will tick­le your feet as you walk into the crys­tal-clear water.  It’s not to shal­low and not too deep, not too cold and not too warm… It’s just perfect.

Boquerón has been des­ig­nat­ed a Blue Flag Beach, which means that it’s one of only nine beach­es in Puer­to Rico to hold this pres­ti­gious des­ig­na­tion.  The Blue Flag eco-label has been award­ed to 3850 beach­es and mari­nas in 46 coun­tries across Europe, South Africa, Moroc­co, Tunisia, New Zealand, Brazil, Cana­da and the Caribbean.  It’s a tes­ta­ment to qual­i­ty, clean­li­ness and eco­log­i­cal preservation.

Boquerón is a pub­lic beach, which means that it can get quite crowd­ed on week­ends.  Espe­cial­ly if it’s a long week­end in which Fri­day or Mon­day is a hol­i­day.  How­ev­er, you can usu­al­ly have the place all to your­self dur­ing week­days, when locals are at there jobs.

Park­ing is $4.00 per vehi­cle for the entire day.  There are show­ers, life­guards and a spe­cial ramp for hand­i­capped vis­i­tors.  Make sure to save your park­ing tick­et because you will need to hand it in before you are allowed to exit the grounds.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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