Pidgeon’s Park


Pidgeon's Park / El Parque de las Palomas

Right next to the Capil­la del Cristo there’s a small park known as “El Par­que de las Palo­mas” The large grey pigeon’s that abound in this park are not indige­nous to Puer­to Rico.  The Island’s autochtho­nous pigeon is the Palo­ma Sabanera, a small­er tan and brown pigeon that is often seen out in the coun­try.  But by the sheer amount of pigeons in Old San Juan, and par­tic­u­lar­ly at this park, it would seem like they’ve been here forever.

El Par­que de las Palo­mas” is an excel­lent spot to relax, enjoy a cold bev­er­age, peo­ple watch and take in an excel­lent view of San Juan Bay.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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