Window Cave “Cueva La Ventana”


Cueva La Ventana, Window Cave, Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Dis­cov­er­ing this cave was a hap­py acci­dent.  I had seen it in pic­tures many times in the past but I actu­al­ly thought it was some­where else on the Island.  In Feb­ru­ary of  2013 I was explor­ing the west­ern cor­ner of the Island with a friend and I we at a gas sta­tion to ask for directions.

I was look­ing for a cer­tain spot on the Tanamá Riv­er.  The atten­dant did­n’t know where that par­tic­u­lar spot was but he said in a casu­al tone “if you’re inter­est­ed Cue­va Ven­tana is right next to us”.  I was­n’t look­ing for “Cue­va Ven­tana”.  What’s more, I had no idea of what a mag­nif­i­cent view I was about to enjoy.

I fol­lowed a trail about a quar­ter of a mile up a moun­tain. When I arrived at a fork in the trail I went to the left for a cou­ple of more min­utes.  Then we went down sev­er­al stone steps and —all of a sud­den— I was inside this dark damp cave.  And I DO mean dark.

Since I had­n’t planned to go cav­ing I did­n’t bring a flash­light.  Big mis­take! Instead I had to light my way with my smart­phone.  The cave was so dark that I could­n’t see my hand in front of my face if I turned off the light. And yes, there were bats.  Hun­dreds of them were hang­ing from the cave ceil­ing. But I guess they’re used to hav­ing vis­i­tors because not one of them was dis­turbed by our presence.

For­tu­nate­ly the pas­sage was short and we soon arrived at the scene that you see above.  Of course this is nature, wild and beau­ti­ful. Wild because there are no safe­ty mea­sures what­so­ev­er. If you fall you will sure­ly die.  Beau­ti­ful… well, you can see why!

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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