The Pink House



When leav­ing la Plaza de la Rog­a­ti­va walk through the iron gates at the west­ern end of the square.  After a cou­ple of min­utes you’ll come to a fork on the road and you’ll see a colo­nial struc­ture paint­ed in bright pink.  It’s called “La Casa Rosa­da” or Pink House, and it was orig­i­nal­ly built in 1812 to house the Span­ish sol­diers that guard­ed the near­by San Agustín Bas­tion.  Lat­er on, in 1851, it was con­vert­ed into the Span­ish Army’s offi­cer’s quar­ters.  In more recent times, the build­ing was remod­eled to serve as a muse­um of Puer­to Rican Arts and Crafts.  Today the build­ing is a day­care cen­ter for the gov­ern­ment employee’s children.

Across the street from “La Casa Rosa­da” you will see a sen­try box that points straight towards the San Juan Gate and “La For­t­aleza” area.  This is an excel­lent spot for tak­ing beau­ti­ful pic­tures of these his­tor­i­cal land­marks. But, please be extra care­ful, espe­cial­ly if you are vis­it­ing the Island with your chil­dren, and refrain from walk­ing on the city walls.  The 40-foot fall onto the San Juan Wall prom­e­nade will sure­ly ruin your day and prob­a­bly your vacation.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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