San José Church


San José Church

The church of San Jose is one of the rare goth­ic church­es in the New World.  Con­struc­tion start­ed in 1530 after gov­er­nor Juan Ponce de León donat­ed the land for the San Jose square, the church and the Domini­can Con­vent next door.

The church’s goth­ic archi­tec­ture is breath­tak­ing.  Puer­to Rico’s most famous painter José Campeche is buried at “Igle­sia San José” as was orig­i­nal­ly Juan Ponce de León.  The wood­en cru­ci­fix that hangs over the church’s altar was donat­ed by Ponce de León in the 16th Cen­tu­ry.  And the 15th Cen­tu­ry altar was built to order in Cadiz, Spain.

The fact that the church has nev­er been restored is both a bless­ing and chal­lenge.  The immense amount of work and resources that will be required to return the struc­ture to its orig­i­nal splen­dor is beyond imag­i­na­tion.  But the fact that it has nev­er been touched also makes things a lot eas­i­er from the restora­tion standpoint.

The Church of San José is by no means the old­est church in San Juan.  That hon­or goes to San Juan Cathe­dral that pre­dates it by a few years and is prob­a­bly the old­est cathe­dral in the New World.  How­ev­er, the orig­i­nal San Juan Cathe­dral was destroyed by a hur­ri­cane and the present day build­ing only dates back to the 1800’s.

San José church is present­ly under­go­ing restora­tion and it is closed to the pub­lic until fur­ther notice.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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