Mayagüez Zoo




If you love ani­mals, and you’re vis­it­ing Puer­to Rico’s west­ern coast, then you should spend an after­noon at the Mayagüez Zoo.  Named after Dr. Juan A. Rivero, a biol­o­gist and emer­i­tus pro­fes­sor at the Mayagüez Cam­pus of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Puer­to Rico, this 45-acre zoo has a lit­tle bit of everything.

Here you will find an exten­sive col­lec­tion of ani­mals from all sev­en con­ti­nents includ­ing mam­mal, bird, rep­tile and amphib­ian exhibits.  While not as large as oth­er zoos on the main­land the park has sev­er­al inter­est­ing features.

One of the nicest is the walk-in aviary where the birds fly freely all around you.  There is also an exten­sive but­ter­fly exhib­it, an arthro­pod muse­um and a rep­tile area.

I vis­it­ed the zoo with my wife about two years ago and it was clean and well kept.  I was hand­ed a nice col­or map when I went in and the entire vis­it took about 4 hours.  How­ev­er, I do have to say that it seemed like the facil­i­ty was a lit­tle low on per­son­nel.  So if you’re expect­ing that Dis­ney expe­ri­ence, where there’s an atten­dant wait­ing to answer your ques­tions at every cor­ner, this will def­i­nite­ly not be the place.  Oth­er than this lit­tle detail the place is quite nice.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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