Buyé Beach


Buyé Beach, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico (southern end)

Buyé Beach, Cabo Rojo, Puer­to Rico (south­ern end)

There’s a beach in Cabo Rojo that most tourists hard­ly vis­it. But you will def­i­nite­ly want to check out. Espe­cial­ly if you like beach­es that are tran­quil, crys­tal clear and have fluffy tan sand. That, in a nut­shell, is Buyé Beach.

Buyé is one of those beach­es that isn’t fea­tured in mag­a­zines or trav­el guides. It’s more of a local secret. That’s why many peo­ple just pass by it with­out even know­ing that they did.

In fact, even when you get there, you’ll feel that you are lost. You’ll arrive at a small park­ing space with no beach to be seen. That’s because of all the urban sprawl that has spread along the coast­line. But look care­ful­ly. There’s a small gate at the right end of the park­ing area that leads to a nar­row side­walk. Fol­low that side­walk about 100 meters due west and you’ll arrive at one of the nicest beach­es in the area.

Buyé is locat­ed about three miles north of Boquerón Beach, on road PR-307. It’s a nat­ur­al beach, so there is lit­tle park­ing, no show­ers, restrooms, life­guards, safe­ty buoys, con­ces­sion stands, gaze­bos, recy­cling bins, sig­nage or writ­ten mate­r­i­al. It’s also very pop­u­lar among the locals, so expect large crowds dur­ing week­ends and holidays.

Buyé Beach, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico (northern end)

Buyé Beach, Cabo Rojo, Puer­to Rico (north­ern end). Click on image to see it larger.

Buyé is also a pret­ty long beach (a lit­tle over a half a mile). That makes it an excel­lent place to go for a long tran­quil walk, enjoy a sun­set or the view of Desecheo Island in the distance.

There is a cor­doned area where the water is crys­tal clear and the bot­tom is pure sand. This is the area favored by locals. How­ev­er, here’s a lit­tle secret, if you walk north along the coast­line you’ll arrive at a place where it would seem like you can’t go on. Look close­ly to your right, behind what used to be a fence, and you’ll see a small trail. Fol­low that trail for about a minute and you’ll arrive at a sec­ond stretch of beach that’s looks like it was tak­en out of the movie “Blue Lagoon”. It’s pure heaven!!!

Oh, and one last thing: the surf here is prac­ti­cal­ly inex­is­tent. It’s almost like swim­ming in a giant swim­ming pool!

Enjoy Puer­to Rico!

Orlan­do Mergal

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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