Cerro Gordo Beach in Vega Alta, Puerto Rico


Cerro Gordo Beach, Balneario de Cerro Gordo en Vega Baja, Puerto Rico

Cer­ro Gor­do Beach, Bal­n­eario de Cer­ro Gor­do en Vega Baja, Puer­to Rico

When I was a young man, and I was going through my first two years of col­lege, one my favorite beach­es was Cer­ro Gor­do Beach or “Bal­n­eario Cer­ro Gor­do”, in Vega Alta, Puer­to Rico. It was beau­ti­ful then and it’s still beau­ti­ful now. Today I just don’t vis­it it as fre­quent­ly because its about 30 miles west of my home.

Back then I was study­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Puer­to Rico’s Baya­mon Cam­pus, which is a lot clos­er to Cer­ro Gor­do, and most of my fel­low stu­dents were from that area. I guess this is an elab­o­rate way of say­ing that all the girls were from that area too. Well, I guess they were.

Cer­ro Gor­do Beach (Bal­n­eario Cer­ro Gor­do) is great! Plus, it’s a bal­n­eario. That means that it’s gov­ern­ment run and it has ample park­ing, show­ers, restrooms, life­guards and safe­ty buoys. The water is absolute­ly pris­tine, the sand is a light tan col­or and the surf is just the way I like it: almost inexistent.

Cer­ro Gor­do Beach (Bal­n­eario Cer­ro Gor­do) is locat­ed in the lit­tle town of Vega Alta, about 18 miles west of the San Juan area. It’s a long stretch of beach that’s kept impec­ca­bly clean by the gov­ern­ment. Even though the munic­i­pal gov­ern­ment of Vega Alta has been hurt­ing for years, due to Puer­to Rico’s eco­nom­ic down­turn, this is one beach that’s kept in tip top shape.

Like all bal­n­ear­ios in Puer­to Rico Cer­ro Gor­do can get quite crowd­ed dur­ing week­ends, and dur­ing the sum­mer months of June and July, but dur­ing the week you can have it all for you.

Cer­ro Gor­do is also pret­ty… very pret­ty. So if you’re a pho­tog­ra­phy buff (like I am) you’ll have the time of your life at Cer­ro Gor­do Beach (Bal­n­eario Cer­ro Gordo).

To the east of the beach area there is a camp ground with almost 100 ful­ly equipped camp­ing spots. There is also a recre­ation­al area with pic­nic tables, Bar­beque grills and occa­sion­al elec­tric outlets.

Just east of the camp­ing area the ter­rain turns very rough very fast. There are sharp rocks every­where. Con­verse­ly, this is also an excel­lent area for pho­tog­ra­phers. How­ev­er, there are no swim­ming spots.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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2 thoughts on “Cerro Gordo Beach in Vega Alta, Puerto Rico”

  1. Orlan­do,


    Ver­i­fi­ca, aunque tu post Puer­to Rico by GPS sobre el Bal­n­eario Cer­ro Gor­do men­ciona que esta ubi­ca­do en Vega Alta, cuan­do com­partí tu artic­u­lo en mi FB el tit­u­lo lo ubi­ca en el pueblo de Vega Baja.…

    Gra­cias por com­par­tir las bellezas de Puer­to Rico y darnos a cono­cer al mun­do entero a trav­es de tu Puer­to Rico by GPS. Exce­lente trabajo!

    Car­los Maldonado

    1. Salu­dos Carlos:

      Mi ami­go Jorge Sei­jo Figueroa (quien es veg­al­teño) me hizo la salvedad tan pron­to publiqué la pági­na y lo cor­regí de inmedi­a­to. El prob­le­ma fue que ya las entradas en Face­book, LinkedIn y Twit­ter esta­ban hechas. Por eso está cor­rec­to en la pági­na e incor­rec­to en Facebook.

      Me ale­gra que te guste Puer­to Rico By GPS.

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