Cerro Gordo Beach, Balneario de Cerro Gordo en Vega Baja, Puerto Rico
When I was a young man, and I was going through my first two years of college, one my favorite beaches was Cerro Gordo Beach or “Balneario Cerro Gordo”, in Vega Alta, Puerto Rico. It was beautiful then and it’s still beautiful now. Today I just don’t visit it as frequently because its about 30 miles west of my home.
Back then I was studying at the University of Puerto Rico’s Bayamon Campus, which is a lot closer to Cerro Gordo, and most of my fellow students were from that area. I guess this is an elaborate way of saying that all the girls were from that area too. Well, I guess they were.
Cerro Gordo Beach (Balneario Cerro Gordo) is great! Plus, it’s a balneario. That means that it’s government run and it has ample parking, showers, restrooms, lifeguards and safety buoys. The water is absolutely pristine, the sand is a light tan color and the surf is just the way I like it: almost inexistent.
Cerro Gordo Beach (Balneario Cerro Gordo) is located in the little town of Vega Alta, about 18 miles west of the San Juan area. It’s a long stretch of beach that’s kept impeccably clean by the government. Even though the municipal government of Vega Alta has been hurting for years, due to Puerto Rico’s economic downturn, this is one beach that’s kept in tip top shape.
Like all balnearios in Puerto Rico Cerro Gordo can get quite crowded during weekends, and during the summer months of June and July, but during the week you can have it all for you.
Cerro Gordo is also pretty… very pretty. So if you’re a photography buff (like I am) you’ll have the time of your life at Cerro Gordo Beach (Balneario Cerro Gordo).
To the east of the beach area there is a camp ground with almost 100 fully equipped camping spots. There is also a recreational area with picnic tables, Barbeque grills and occasional electric outlets.
Just east of the camping area the terrain turns very rough very fast. There are sharp rocks everywhere. Conversely, this is also an excellent area for photographers. However, there are no swimming spots.
Verifica, aunque tu post Puerto Rico by GPS sobre el Balneario Cerro Gordo menciona que esta ubicado en Vega Alta, cuando compartí tu articulo en mi FB el titulo lo ubica en el pueblo de Vega Baja.…
Gracias por compartir las bellezas de Puerto Rico y darnos a conocer al mundo entero a traves de tu Puerto Rico by GPS. Excelente trabajo!
Carlos Maldonado
Saludos Carlos:
Mi amigo Jorge Seijo Figueroa (quien es vegalteño) me hizo la salvedad tan pronto publiqué la página y lo corregí de inmediato. El problema fue que ya las entradas en Facebook, LinkedIn y Twitter estaban hechas. Por eso está correcto en la página e incorrecto en Facebook.
Me alegra que te guste Puerto Rico By GPS.