Quincentennial Square


Quinscentennial SquareA lit­tle to the west of the Con­ven­to De Los Dom­in­cos is mod­ern square that was built in 1992 to com­mem­o­rate the Quin­cen­ten­ni­al of the Dis­cov­ery of Amer­i­ca.  It’s called ”La Plaza del Quin­to Cen­te­nario” and it sits between the Con­ven­to de los Domini­cos and the Cuar­tel de Ballajá.

In the upper south cen­ter of the square there’s a huge mod­ern sculp­ture, by renown local artist Jaime Suárez, that is known as the Totem Telúri­co.  On week­ends the square is usu­al­ly fre­quent­ed by teenagers on skate­boards and chil­dren enjoy­ing the walk-in water foun­tain at the low­er end next to Norza­garay street.

The square also has an excel­lent view of the Old San Juan Ceme­tery, el Mor­ro Grounds and many oth­er adja­cent struc­tures. When you reach the north end of the square –fac­ing towards the ocean– you will be on Norza­garay street.  This street goes from the El Mor­ro grounds to Fort San Cristóbal at the oppo­site end of the city.

Across the street is the entrance to Old San Juan Ceme­tery “San­ta María de Pazz­is” where a great num­ber of illus­tri­ous Puer­to Ricans are buried.  How­ev­er, the place is lone­ly, so if you are by your­self —and espe­cial­ly if you’re tot­ing an expen­sive cam­era— be very careful.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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