Cabo Rojo Lighthouse / Playa Sucia



The Cabo Rojo Light­house area is sim­ply one of the most breath­tak­ing views in all of Puer­to Rico.  Breath­tak­ing, yes… And it can also be dead­ly!  The red rock cliff is over 100-feet high.  So if you fall, you will sure­ly die.  There are no rail­ings, no signs and no one to keep you from stand­ing to close to the edge.

This is also a very arid area with very lit­tle shade.  The ground is most­ly lime­stone and at times it can be slip­pery in many places, so it’s a good idea to wear good hik­ing boots, a wide brim hat and bring along plen­ty of water.  Oh, and one last thing.  Be extra care­ful if there are chil­dren in your party.

Ok, now that we’ve scared the liv­ing day­lights out of you, let’s talk about the fun stuff.  This place is amaz­ing.  It’s a pho­tog­ra­pher’s dream.  The ter­rain is rough, wild and breath­tak­ing.  The sun­sets here are out of this world.  And there are pic­ture oppor­tu­ni­ties everywhere.

And if you like seclud­ed beach­es you’re in for a treat at near­by “Playa Sucia”.  The name “Playa Sucia” means, “dirty beach” in Span­ish.  But the place isn’t dirty at all.  In fact, it’s pristine.

So why do they call it “Playa Sucia”?  “Playa Sucia” got its name because of all the Sar­gas­so Weed that accu­mu­lates on the shore dur­ing the months of Novem­ber through Jan­u­ary.  The rest of the year it’s absolute­ly stunning.

Like all oth­er beach­es on the Island “Playa Sucia” is open to the gen­er­al pub­lic.  And dur­ing the week­ends it fills up to the point that local author­i­ties lim­it the amount of vehi­cles that can park near­by.  This is not a pub­lic beach.  It’s open to the pub­lic because in Puer­to Rico all beach­es belong to the peo­ple.  It’s actu­al­ly in the con­sti­tu­tion.  But there is no park­ing, no safe­ty buoys, no show­ers and no lifeguards.

The place is pure nature, like God cre­at­ed it.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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