San Agustín Bastion



If you walk just a few steps west. along the left side of the fork, imme­di­ate­ly after you pass “La Casa Rosa­da” you will see a cou­ple of ten­nis courts on your right and a large green plot of land on the left with a huge tree in the cen­ter.  In colo­nial times this used to be the San Agustín Bastion.

Bas­tions were semi polyg­o­nal pro­ject­ing struc­tures equipped with heavy artillery that were erect­ed at fre­quent inter­vals and designed to take advan­tage of the local topog­ra­phy. Round­ed sen­try box­es at var­i­ous cor­ners served as obser­va­tion posts to guard the city wall.

This is anoth­er excel­lent van­tage point to make beau­ti­ful pho­tos of the San Juan Gate and San­ta Catali­na Palace area.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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