Punta Borinquen” Lighthouse Ruins


Punta Borinquen Lighthouse Ruins, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

The “Pun­ta Bor­in­quen” Light­house” was one of the many light­hous­es built by the Spaniards in Puer­to Rico.  The all-brick struc­ture was built in 1889 and destroyed beyond repair by a pow­er­ful earth­quake in 1918.

All that’s left today are two brick walls, the con­crete floor and part of the foun­da­tion.  How­ev­er, it remains a favorite among pho­tog­ra­phers who find inspi­ra­tion in its open win­dows, bare brick sur­faces and beau­ti­ful surroundings.

This is also a seclud­ed area.  So don’t go alone, espe­cial­ly late in the day and with expen­sive cam­era gear.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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