San Juan Metroplex

Puer­to Ricans arbi­trar­i­ly divide their Island into two areas: “San Juan”, which is what they call the “Área Met­ro­pol­i­tana” (San Juan Metro­plex) (which is actu­al­ly com­prised of the town­ships of San Juan, Car­oli­na, Guayn­abo, Bayamón and Cataño) and “La Isla” which includes the rest of the island.

How­ev­er, from a tourist’s view­point, I guess you could divide it into the “main tourist attrac­tions” and the rest of the Island.

On this site we have divid­ed it as a tourist would.  That’s why the two main menus are titled “San Juan Metro­plex” and “La Isla”.  Under “San Juan Metro­plex” you will find infor­ma­tion about Old San Juan, El Con­da­do, Isla Verde (which is actu­al­ly with­in the town­ship of Car­oli­na), Hato Rey, Río Piedras, Bayamón and Cataño.

Under “La Isla” you will find many land­marks that most vis­i­tors sim­ply nev­er get to see like El Yunque Nation­al Rain­for­est, The Camuy Riv­er Cave Sys­tem, The Areci­bo Radio Obser­va­to­ry, Luquil­lo Beach, the “Puer­ta del Sol” area (which is com­prised of dozens of gor­geous mom & pop hotels, restau­rants and spec­tac­u­lar scenery), the Guáni­ca Dry For­est, the Par­guera Bio­lu­mi­nes­cent Bay, the mag­nif­i­cent city of Ponce with its many attrac­tions, and many, many beau­ti­ful places more.

First you will find a gen­er­al map with mark­ers for all the main land­marks. Then you will find indi­vid­ual pages with a lit­tle more infor­ma­tion about each land­mark and a spe­cif­ic map to reach that location.

So if you real­ly want to explore Puer­to Rico, and see it like most tourists nev­er get to see it, then you’ve arrived at the right place!

Now let’s get going…

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

Dis­clo­sure of Mate­r­i­al Con­nec­tion: Some of the links in this post are “affil­i­ate links.” This means that if you click on a link and pur­chase an item, I will receive an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion. Regard­less, I only rec­om­mend prod­ucts or ser­vices that I use per­son­al­ly and believe will add val­ue to my read­ers. I am dis­clos­ing this in accor­dance with the Fed­er­al Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Con­cern­ing the Use of Endorse­ments and Tes­ti­mo­ni­als in Advertising.”

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