Terms and Conditions

Wel­come to Puer­to Rico By GPS, the most com­plete GPS guide to sun­ny Puer­to Rico.  Puer­to Rico By GPS was cre­at­ed for the tourist that likes to explore a loca­tion on his own and at his leisure. We have made every effort to pro­vide accu­rate and use­ful infor­ma­tion that will help you explore every cor­ner of beau­ti­ful Puer­to Rico.

But before you pro­ceed, let’s start with a cou­ple of warn­ings.  You’ll be mov­ing in a busy urban envi­ron­ment. Don’t let your­self be dis­tract­ed by the enter­tain­ing nature of the copy, pho­tos and maps.  Pay atten­tion to traf­fic at all times and be care­ful at inter­sec­tions.  If you’re walk­ing or dri­ving, watch where your going.  Don’t let your­self be absorbed by the copy, maps and pret­ty pictures.

Safety Concerns

Con­trary to com­mon belief, Old San Juan is a rel­a­tive­ly safe city, with well-trained city police at almost every cor­ner.  How­ev­er, like any oth­er large metrop­o­lis, San Juan —and Puer­to Rico as a whole— has its share of crime and vio­lence.  By fol­low­ing our advise, you assume all risk asso­ci­at­ed with its use, and accept that nor “Puer­to Rico by GPS” or any of its pro­pri­etors or rep­re­sen­ta­tives will be held liable for injuries, acci­dents, deaths, arrests or any oth­er finan­cial or phys­i­cal dam­ages you might suf­fer while fol­low­ing such advise.

Many of the places cov­ered in this web­site can be soli­tary and seclud­ed, and you will notice that we always try to advise you when a place can be dan­ger­ous.  Some­times a place may be dan­ger­ous sim­ply because of the ter­rain, the height or  because of its pure unadul­ter­at­ed nature.  Be care­ful. Use com­mon sense.

By using the infor­ma­tion con­tained on this site you assume full respon­si­bil­i­ty for hav­ing ade­quate trav­el insur­ance that will cov­er acci­dents, per­son­al injuries, loss of life, loss of lug­gage and any oth­er loss asso­ci­at­ed with your vis­it. Puer­to Rico By GPS and/or its own­ers, sup­pli­ers or rep­re­sen­ta­tives, assume no respon­si­bil­i­ty for per­son­al injury, death, dam­age to prop­er­ty or any oth­er loss, whether aris­ing from acci­dents, crim­i­nal activ­i­ty or any oth­er mat­ter beyond our control.

Final­ly, while this site will usu­al­ly work per­fect­ly on your com­put­er, tablet or mobile devise, it is most use­ful when viewed on a com­put­er or a tablet. Each page includes an audio play­er with the cor­rect pro­nun­ci­a­tion of that par­tic­u­lar place in Span­ish, pho­tos, infor­ma­tion and a map. Each map includes a fea­ture that will sup­ply you with exact instruc­tions on how to reach that par­tic­u­lar loca­tion.  It will also sup­ply you with the exact GPS coordinates.

If you pre­fer, you can copy those coor­di­nates and write them into your own GPS device.  Either way you’ll go straight to each loca­tion every time.


This site is mon­i­tored with Mato­mo Ana­lyt­ics.  If you don’t want to be tracked please deac­ti­vate the link below.


A Brief Word About Compatibility

Puer­to Rico By GPS uses the lat­est HTML5 and CSS3 tech­nol­o­gy to offer you the best user expe­ri­ence.  How­ev­er, main­tain­ing 100% com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with all desk­top and portable devices is not an easy task.  We have found that this site works well with Safari, Fire­fox and Chrome browsers, both in the desk­top and mobile ver­sions.  How­ev­er, we have noticed cer­tain incom­pat­i­bil­i­ties with old­er ver­sions of Inter­net Explor­er, includ­ing IE7, IE8 and IE9.  To the best of our knowl­edge there are no issues with IE10.