Roberto Clemente Coliseum


Roberto Clemente Coliseum

The Rober­to Clemente Col­i­se­um is locat­ed right next to the Hiram Bithorn Munic­i­pal Sta­di­um, in a com­plex that also includes the Tito Puente Amphithe­ater and the Pedrín Zoril­la mini col­i­se­um. It was named after Puer­to Rican Hall of Famer Rober­to Clemente-Walk­er, who died in a plane crash on the night of Decem­ber 31, 1972 while deliv­er­ing relief to the vic­tims of the Man­agua, Nicaragua earthquake.

Con­struc­tion of the col­i­se­um had start­ed in the ear­ly sev­en­ties, but when the facil­i­ty was inau­gu­rat­ed in Jan­u­ary, 1973 it was named after the recent­ly deceased base­ball star.

The Rober­to Clemente Col­i­se­um is main­ly a sports are­na that seats a max­i­mum of 10,000 spec­ta­tors, but it has also host­ed polit­i­cal, busi­ness, reli­gious and musi­cal events of all sorts.  Among the most impor­tant con­certs host­ed at the Rober­to Clemente Col­i­se­um are: Saga, Judas Priest, Jour­ney, Chica­go, Bon Jovi, Hall & Oats, Lover­boy, Cindy Lau­per, 38 Spe­cial, Duran Duran, Def Lep­pard, REO Speed­wag­on, Meat­loaf, Sting, Boston, Maná, Mot­ley Crue, Kiss, Sting, Christi­na Aguil­era, , Lau­ra Pausi­ni, Jen­nifer López, Ana Belén, Miguel Ríos, Joan Manuel Ser­rat, Víc­tor Manuel and many others.

The Rober­to Clemente Col­i­se­um was THE place for top-notch musi­cal events through­out the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.  How­ev­er, in my opin­ion, since the José Miguel Agrelot Col­i­se­um was inau­gu­rat­ed in Sep­tem­ber, 2004 the Rober­to Clemente Col­i­se­um has fall­en prey to the “shiny new object” syn­drome.  Hard­ly any events seem to seem to find their way to the Rober­to Clemente Col­i­se­um any­more.  Which some­times makes no sense, because an event pulling 8 or 9 thou­sand spec­ta­tors will seem more suc­cess­ful in a small­er venue.  Plus, a small­er venue is more eco­nom­i­cal to oper­ate than a larg­er one.

How­ev­er, the fact remains that hard­ly any impor­tant events seem to land at the Rober­to Clemente Col­i­se­um anymore.

As for Robert Clemente-Walk­er the man, he’s still one of the most revered and respect­ed Puer­to Ricans of all time. His name still evokes pos­i­tive emo­tions among all Puer­to Ricans, and most of his achieve­ments as a Base­ball play­er, and as a human being, are still unrivaled.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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