La Dársena”


La Dársena

In Eng­lish the word Dárse­na means inner har­bor, which in turn means that it was the part of the har­bor that was fur­thest from the sea.  Today that isn’t the case.  Today “la Dárse­na” is actu­al­ly next to pier #1, the out­er­most pier of the many that make up today’s mod­ern San Juan Bay.

Car­go ships arriv­ing in Old San Juan would dock at “La Dárse­na” and enter the city through two of its Gates: San Jus­to Gate and España Gate (both demol­ished in 1897).

Today there is a small square next to “La Dárse­na” where small street events are often cel­e­brat­ed. As far as ships go, most of the ships that dock at “La Dárse­na” today belong to the US Coast Guard.

Right next to “La Dárse­na” is the US Cus­toms Build­ing, and behind that is the “Pun­til­la” Ware­house.  Right across the street you will find the Old San Juan branch of the US Post Office, and to the west you will find “La Prince­sa Promenade”.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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