Sardinera Beach “Balneario Manuel Morales”


Sardinera Beach, Balneario Manuel Morales, Dorado, PR.

Sar­dinera Beach, Bal­n­eario Manuel Morales, Dora­do, PR.

Sardinera Beach, Balneario Manuel Morales, Dorado, PR.

Sar­dinera Beach, Bal­n­eario Manuel Morales, Dora­do, PR. Click here to see image larger.

Sar­dinera Beach —also known among the locals as Playa Sar­dinera and “Bal­n­eario Manuel Morales”— is a long beach locat­ed in the munic­i­pal­i­ty of Dora­do on the north cen­tral area of Puer­to Rico.  It’s a “bal­n­eario” so it has all the ameni­ties like ample park­ing, show­ers, restrooms, life­guards, safe­ty buoys and con­ces­sion stands.  There are some pic­nic tables along the green areas but what I did­n’t see were any gazebos.

The water is a beau­ti­ful turquoise blue, crys­tal clear and the surf is very mild.  The sand is light tan col­ored, fluffy and spotless.

Bal­n­ear­ios are usu­al­ly among the most pop­u­lar beach­es on the Island so they can be quite crowd­ed dur­ing week­ends and the sum­mer months.  Dur­ing the week they are often deserted.

While Sar­dinera Beach “Bal­n­eario Manuel Morales” seems to be quite pop­u­lar among the locals it’s not as pop­u­lar among islanders in gen­er­al.  Most peo­ple pre­fer Mar Chiq­ui­ta, Cer­ro Gor­do, Los Tubos or Pun­ta Sali­nas when it comes to the beach­es in the north cen­tral area of the Island.  In any case, I thought I would men­tion it because many peo­ple swear by this beach.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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