Seven Seas Beach in Fajardo, Puerto Rico


Seven Seas Beach, one of Puerto Rico's most beautiful and pristine beaches

Sev­en Seas Beach, one of Puer­to Rico’s most beau­ti­ful and pris­tine beaches

About 30 miles east of San Juan, in a lit­tle town called Fajar­do, there’s a beau­ti­ful beach called “Sev­en Seas”.  And it’s not just any beach.  It’s actu­al­ly a “blue flag” beach (see our first post about Puer­to Rico’s Blue Flag Beach­es) and it’s one of the nicest beach­es in the east­ern part of the Island.

Puer­to Rico is a trop­i­cal island and an arch­i­pel­ago.  So the fact is that it’s sur­round­ed by water.  But that does­n’t mean that every beach in Puer­to Rico has been cre­at­ed equal.  Actu­al­ly, Puer­to Rico’s most won­der­ful beach­es are on its north and west­ern coasts, as well as in the island munic­i­pal­i­ties of Vieques and Culebra.

Sev­en Seas is a won­der­ful beach.  The water is crys­tal clear, the sand is a light tan col­or and the surf is almost inex­is­tent.  This makes it one of the best beach­es in the Caribbean —and in the world— for snor­kel­ing or just kick­ing back and relaxing.

It also has all the ameni­ties that come with a blue flag beach, like: ample park­ing, show­ers, restrooms, life­guards, safe­ty buoys, con­ces­sion stands, gaze­bos recy­cling bins, blue flag sig­nage and writ­ten material.

Right next to Sev­en Seas there’s a camp­ing area where you can park your Win­neba­go and spend as long as you like in this island paradise.

Now, here’s a words of advise.  On the east­ern­most end of the beach the bot­tom can get a lit­tle rocky.  And where there are rocks there are sea urchins.  So watch your step.

And speak­ing of “to the east of Sev­en Seas”, about a quar­ter mile down road 987, on your left hand side, is the Cabezas de San Juan Nature Reserve, a 438 acre park ded­i­cat­ed to the care and preser­va­tion of many of Puer­to Rico’s nat­ur­al trea­sures (see our sep­a­rate arti­cle about Las Cabezas de San Juan).

If you plan­ning a day trip to the Fajar­do area the per­fect com­bi­na­tion might be a morn­ing at Las Cabezas de San Juan and an after­noon at Sev­en Seas Beach.  If you like this idea call ahead for reser­va­tions at Las Cabezas de San Juan.

Like all beach­es in Puer­to Rico admis­sion to Sev­en Seas is free, but you will need to pay for park­ing, lock­ers and showers.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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