Tapia Theater


Tapia Theater

The Munic­i­pal The­ater of San Juan, bet­ter known by the san­juaneros as Teatro Tapia, was built in 1832 and named after the famous Puer­to Rican play­wright Ale­jan­dro Tapia y Rivera.  It was designed in the Ital­ian style, as a horse­shoe shaped opera house, with three tiers of box­es and has been remod­eled twice in 1949 and 1987.

The beau­ti­ful neo­clas­si­cal build­ing is one the old­est free-stand­ing dra­ma stages in the New World and hosts a wide vari­ety of events from bal­lets, plays, & operettas to mod­ern day the­atri­cal and musi­cal events.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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2 thoughts on “Tapia Theater”

    1. I would sug­gest call­ing the the­ater’s man­age­ment at: (787) 721‑0169 or the “Insti­tu­to de Cul­tura” at (787) 724‑0700.

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