Luquillo Beach (Balneario La Monserrate)



Luquil­lo is prob­a­bly the most beau­ti­ful beach on the main Island of Puer­to Rico. It has been des­ig­nat­ed a Blue Flag Beach, which means that it’s only one of nine beach­es in Puer­to Rico to hold this pres­ti­gious designation.

The Blue Flag eco-label has been award­ed to 3850 beach­es and mari­nas in 46 coun­tries across Europe, South Africa, Moroc­co, Tunisia, New Zealand, Brazil, Cana­da and the Caribbean.  It’s a tes­ta­ment to qual­i­ty, clean­li­ness and eco­log­i­cal preservation.

Luquil­lo Beach is locat­ed on the north­east­ern tip of Puer­to Rico, about 25 miles to the east of the San Juan Metro­plex.  It is a pub­lic beach.  That means you can walk straight in with­out pay­ing a sin­gle pen­ny.  Park­ing, how­ev­er, is $4.00 for the entire day and the park­ing area is a short walk from water.

There’s a con­ces­sion stand close to the first park­ing area where you can buy food, refresh­ments, beach neces­si­ties and sou­venirs.  There is an ample amount of palm trees that sup­ply cool shade and add to the trop­i­cal ambiance.

Look­ing to the east there’s a small sand dune that’s sub­merged under about a foot of water and sep­a­rat­ed from the main­land by a canal.  To the west the El Yunque Trop­i­cal Rain­for­est serves as a pic­ture per­fect backdrop.

Here’s a tip!  Luquil­lo Beach is closed on Mon­days for clean­ing and main­te­nance. That means that if you real­ly want to enjoy the beach in all its pris­tine glo­ry Tues­day’s are the day to vis­it. You’ll be blown away by its awe­some beauty!

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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