Convalescense Assilum



Right behind the colo­nial San­i­tar­i­um there’s anoth­er build­ing that attracts almost no tourist traf­fic.  It was built in the 1840’s by the colo­nial gov­ern­ment to be the Asi­lo de Benef­i­cen­cia or “home of the poor”.  Its archi­tec­ture inspires an aus­tere feel­ing that’s com­pound­ed by its silent atmos­phere.  Two beau­ti­ful inte­ri­or court­yards add charm and ele­gance to this immense structure.

Today the Asi­lo de Benef­i­cen­cia hous­es the Insti­tute of Puer­to Rican Cul­ture and has sev­er­al exhib­it gal­leries includ­ing a col­lec­tion of pre-Euro­pean Puer­to Rican arti­facts that includes pot­tery, tools, relics and even a recre­ation of an actu­al Taíno village.

The build­ing is open to the pub­lic from Wednes­day to Sun­day, from 9:00 in the morn­ing to 4:30 in the after­noon.  For more infor­ma­tion, dial 787–724-0700.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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