Combate Beach / Cabo Rojo Wildlife Refuge



A lit­tle to the south of Boquerón, but still with­in the munic­i­pal­i­ty of Cabo Rojo, is the qui­et lit­tle town of Com­bate.  Qui­et, that is, if it’s not a long (hol­i­day) week­end, when thou­sands of locals from all cor­ners of the Island flock to the beau­ti­ful beach­es on the west coast.

Com­bate is THE place to enjoy some of the most deli­cious food in all of Puer­to Rico.  Here you will find the most amaz­ing fish and seafood dish­es at prices well below what you would find in the San Juan Metroplex.

A few steps from the town is the beau­ti­ful beach of Com­bate.  This is not a Blue Flag beach by any means, so you won’t find any life­guards, show­ers or park­ing facil­i­ties.  But the place is absolute­ly gor­geous.  The surf is almost nonex­is­tent and the scenery is sim­ply paradise.

Right next to the beach is the Cabo Rojo Wildlife Refuge, a place vis­it­ed by bird lovers from all over the world.  Estab­lished in 1974 by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Ser­vice, this 1836-acre plot of land is con­sid­ered the most impor­tant stopover for migra­to­ry and shore­birds in the East­ern Caribbean. Many native bird species, includ­ing the endan­gered Yel­low Shoul­dered Black­bird, live in and repro­duce around the refuge.

The refuge has a vis­i­tor cen­ter and a 2‑mile inter­pre­tive trail.  Approx­i­mate­ly 12 miles of hik­ing trails are avail­able for bird watch­ing, pho­tog­ra­phy and wildlife obser­va­tion.  Motor­ized vehi­cles are not allowed inside the refuge, but there are sev­er­al bik­ing trails that you can enjoy at your leisure.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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