City Hall


Old San Juan City HallOn the north­ern side of Plaza de Armas we find City Hall, anoth­er neo­clas­si­cal struc­ture built between 1604 and 1789, that resem­bles Madrid’s City Hall in Spain.

This build­ing is the only one in San Juan with an arch­way entrance span­ning the entire width of the struc­ture.  This is an impor­tant detail because colo­nial law spec­i­fied that all build­ings sur­round­ing may­or plazas had to include archways.

Anoth­er inter­est­ing fact is that Old San Juan is one of the few towns in Puer­to Rico whose cathe­dral or Catholic Church is not across the square from City Hall.

City Hall has a tourist infor­ma­tion cen­ter on the first floor and a small gallery with itin­er­at­ing exhibits.  Admis­sion is free.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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