Fort “San Jerónimo”


Fort San Jeronimo del Boquerón

Fort San Jerón­i­mo del Boquerón is a small fort (a lit­tle larg­er than a Rav­elin) locat­ed on the east­ern­most tip of the Islet of San Juan. It used to belong to the exte­ri­or defense sys­tem of Fort San Cristóbal and was one of the few Span­ish for­ti­fi­ca­tions on the Island that actu­al­ly saw mil­i­tary action dur­ing colo­nial times.

It was instru­men­tal in defend­ing the east end of the San Juan Islet from attacks by Sir Fran­cis Drake in 1595, Sir George Clif­ford (the Earl of Cum­ber­land) in 1598 and Boudewi­jn Hen­drick­sz in 1625.

More recent­ly, in the year 2007, San Jerón­i­mo lost its final bat­tle —this time against sheer greed and urban sprawl­ing— when Paseo Caribe (a beach­front prop­er­ty com­plex that took up every avail­able inch of land sur­round­ing Fort San Jerón­i­mo) was built against the will of many Puer­to Ricans.

The strug­gle went on for years and (as it often hap­pens) eco­nom­ic pow­er pre­vailed over com­mon sense.  Well, sort of, because the so-called vic­to­ry coin­cid­ed with the real estate crash and the apart­ments have been just sit­ting there, dete­ri­o­rat­ing and wait­ing to be purchased.

Today Fort San Jerón­i­mo is a sad, aban­doned struc­ture that is just erod­ing away.  And tourists pass by it with no clue of its glo­ri­ous past. The devel­op­ers built a paved side­walk along the shore­line lead­ing to the fort, but the struc­ture is closed and there are no signs indi­cat­ing that this is, in fact, the way to the fort.

Maybe some­day the US Park Sys­tem will take con­trol of this his­tor­i­cal land­mark and bring it back to life.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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