San Juan Museum


San Juan Museum. Click on image to see it larger.

San Juan Muse­um. Click on image to see it larger.

A few steps to the east on Norza­garay Street is the San Juan Muse­um  “El Museo de San Juan”, a beau­ti­ful colo­nial struc­ture paint­ed mus­tard and light yel­low with white trim­ming that’s locat­ed imme­di­ate­ly after the Domini­can Con­vent “Con­ven­to de los Dominicos”.

The build­ing was inau­gu­rat­ed on Jan­u­ary 18, 1857 as the colo­nial city’s farmer’s mar­ket.  After the US inva­sion in 1898, the build­ing became a mil­i­tary ware­house dur­ing World War II.  After the war end­ed, the build­ing returned to its orig­i­nal func­tion and lat­er on became the home of the now defunct “División de la Comu­nidad”, which pro­mot­ed socio-edu­ca­tion­al and cul­tur­al events.

In 1979 it became the San Juan Muse­um.  In 1989, the build­ing was severe­ly dam­aged by Hura­cane Hugo and became an aban­doned struc­ture.  On Sep­tem­ber 28, 1993 the build­ing was reopened as the San Juan Museum.

The muse­um has an inter­ac­tive exhi­bi­tion that cov­ers over 500 years of San Juan and Puer­to Rican his­to­ry.  It also presents itin­er­at­ing exhibits and fre­quent­ly stages events at its beau­ti­ful cen­ter court­yard.  The muse­um is open Tues­day thru Sun­days, from 9:00 in the morn­ing to 4:00 in the after­noon.  For more infor­ma­tion, please call 787–723-4317.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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