It’s Circus Time In Old San Juan

Its circus time in old san juan

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If you’re look­ing for some­thing fun and dif­fer­ent to do dur­ing Saint Valen­tine’s Day week­end in Puer­to Rico, then stop by the First Inter­na­tion­al Cir­cus and Street Per­for­mance Fes­ti­val of Puer­to Rico, which will take place on Febr­ru­ary 15th and 16th, on San Fran­cis­co Street, in Old San Juan.

The street will be closed to vehic­u­lar traf­fic from Plaza Colón at the extreme east of the Old City to Plaza De Armas in front of City Hall.

This is the first time that this sort of event has been cel­e­brat­ed any­where in the Caribbean.  It fol­lows the mod­el of oth­er street per­for­mance fes­ti­vals such as: the Edin­burgh Fes­ti­val, in Scot­land; the Auril­lac fes­ti­val, in France, the Vevey Fes­ti­val in Switzer­land; and the “Hazme Reír” (make me laugh) Fes­ti­val, in Argenti­na”, said Max­i­m­il­iano Rivas, one of the street per­form­ers and event organizers.

It's circus time in Old San Juan

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There will be dif­fer­ent events tak­ing place at 10 loca­tions scat­tered between Plaza Colón, Plaza de la Barandil­la and Plaza de Armas.  Nine com­pa­nies from Europe and South Amer­i­ca includ­ing: “Cir­co Rebote”, from Brazil and Perú; “Com­pag­nia Autono­ma Tenen­ti”, from Italy; Pipo Met­al, from Argenti­na; “Sub­Cielo”, from Chile and Puer­to Rico; “Com­pañía M+M”, from Argenti­na and Puer­to Rico; “Her­manos Infon­fundibles, Hiltoff”, “Jesus Fornies” and “Don Dav­el”, from Spain; will join 32 local com­pa­nies from Puer­to Rico dur­ing the two-day event, that will bring dancers, the­ater per­form­ers, pup­peteers, musi­cians, cir­cus acts and artists to the peo­ple of Old San Juan and our vis­i­tors from abroad.

It's circus time in Old San Juan

Click on image to see it larger.

The event will take place from 11:00am to 9:00pm on Sat­ur­day and from 11:00am to 7:00pm on Sunday.

Rivas empha­sized that the event will be total­ly dif­fer­ent from oth­er may­or fes­tiv­i­ties that take place in Old San Juan in that only local restau­rants and eater­ies will be allowed to sell to the pub­lic.  “Alco­holic bev­er­ages will not be allowed on the street so this will be the per­fect event for all ages”, added Rivas.

After Old San Juan the event will move to oth­er towns around the Island like San Loren­zo (Feb­ru­ary 17th) Caguas (Feb­ru­ary 19th), and Vieques (Feb­ru­ary 20th).  After that it will return to Old San Juan for a final per­for­mance that will be announced later.

For more infor­ma­tion vis­it or con­tact Max­i­m­il­iano Rivas or Anaís Nadal at 787–940-1662 or 787–213-3744, or via email at:

Enjoy Puer­to Rico,

©2014,Orlando Mer­gal, MA

Bilin­gual Con­tent Cre­ator, Blog­ger, Pod­cast­er,
Author, Pho­tog­ra­ph­er and New Media Expert
Tel. 787–750-0000, Mobile 787–306-1590


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