SEO, Social Media And Travel Blogs, Pick Two

This morn­ing I con­duct­ed an exper­i­ment. It was some­thing that I should’ve real­ized for years. And yet, for some strange rea­son it elud­ed me. SEO on Social Media doesn’t work! Duh­h­h­h­h­hh! I’ve been at this gig since 1990, so I’m not exact­ly a spring chick­en when it comes to the web, or all things tech­nol­o­gy for that mat­ter. In fact, Con­tin­ue reading…

A Friday Morning in Aguas Buenas 

Twen­ty twen­­ty-three has been a busy year at Puer­to Rico By GPS. We start­ed with an ambi­tious goal: “to vis­it all 78 munic­i­pal­i­ties in Puer­to Rico to pro­duce a video and how­ev­er many blog posts were war­rant­ed for each town­ship”. The idea was —and still is— to end up with the most com­pre­hen­sive col­lec­tion of pho­tographs, video and arti­cles about Con­tin­ue reading…

10 Most Frequent Questions About Puerto Rico 

Are you sick and tired of the freez­ing cold, shov­el­ling snow and being trapped inside? Or maybe it’s the oppo­site sit­u­a­tion: it’s 125° out­side, your air con­di­tion­er just can’t keep up and —once again— you’re sick and tired of being trapped inside. Did you know that there’s a place, just off the east­ern coast of the Unit­ed States, where the Con­tin­ue reading…

Gurabo Is Much More Than “El Cerro” 

Gurabo is one of those lit­tle towns in Puer­to Rico that many peo­ple just ignore. It’s east of Caguas, a larg­er city, and south of San Juan, the Island’s cap­i­tal. So it’s on the way to some­thing, next to some­where, but not some­thing in itself. Right? Wrong!!! Gurabo is great. I actu­al­ly spent an entire day there with my wife Con­tin­ue reading…

Luis Muñoz Marín Foundation
“An Adventure in History”

In Puer­to Rico we have a say­ing: “Los pueb­los que no cono­cen su his­to­ria están con­de­na­dos a repe­tir­la” (Peo­ple who don’t know their his­to­ry are doomed to repeat it). How­ev­er, it’s not a local phrase. It was first coined by the Span­ish poet George San­tayana at the dawn of the 20th Cen­tu­ry. How­ev­er, that’s one of the first ques­tions that Con­tin­ue reading…

First Impressions Are The Only Ones That Matter

You nev­er get a sec­ond chance to make a first impres­sion. Mar­keters have known this for years. And it goes for good and bad ones (first impres­sions, that is). So, if this is the case, and we’re all on the same page on this basic mar­ket­ing prin­ci­ple, why do we see so many poor images both in dig­i­tal and print­ed Con­tin­ue reading…

Virtual Tourism, A Pandemic Reality

Mil­lions of habit­u­al tourists have decid­ed to stay close to home or even stay put alto­geth­er. Can you blame them? It’s called vir­tu­al tourism. Accord­ing to “Rec­om­mend” mag­a­zine only 44% of Amer­i­cans are plan­ning leisure trav­el in 2020. Of those, 81% will take a day trip and 72% expect to take overnight vaca­tions. Most impor­tant­ly, the over­whelm­ing major­i­ty don’t expect Con­tin­ue reading…

A Ten Step Plan To Repave Old San Juan

We need to repave Old San Juan. It’s over­due and the city is falling apart. We also need to con­vert Old San Juan into a pedes­tri­an city. So here’s a 10 step plan to do just that. My name is Orlan­do Mer­gal. Think of me as a guy with a cam­era, a com­put­er and the Inter­net. I’ve been vis­it­ing Old San Con­tin­ue reading…

Four Great Shots And A Day’s Work… All Before Breakfast

Last Mon­day my wife and I got up ear­ly. I was going to shoot a cou­ple of build­ings in Cabo Rojo for a New-York-based cus­tomer. The idea was to catch the sun­rise, so we got up at 3:00am and had left by 4:00am. By sev­en we had shot both build­ings, had break­fast and were on our way to the coastal Con­tin­ue reading…

46 Things To Know Before Driving in Puerto Rico

Dri­ving in Puer­to Rico has always been hec­tic. Road con­di­tions on the Island are in a deplorable state due to the depres­sion (yes, the cor­rect word is depres­sion, because there’s no such thing as a 10-year reces­sion) that has affect­ed the U.S. ter­ri­to­ry for close to a decade. Throw in the way many Puer­to Ricans dri­ve like mani­acs and it’s Con­tin­ue reading…