First Impressions Are The Only Ones That Matter

You nev­er get a sec­ond chance to make a first impres­sion. Mar­keters have known this for years. And it goes for good and bad ones (first impres­sions, that is). So, if this is the case, and we’re all on the same page on this basic mar­ket­ing prin­ci­ple, why do we see so many poor images both in dig­i­tal and print­ed Con­tin­ue reading…

Virtual Tourism, A Pandemic Reality

Mil­lions of habit­u­al tourists have decid­ed to stay close to home or even stay put alto­geth­er. Can you blame them? It’s called vir­tu­al tourism. Accord­ing to “Rec­om­mend” mag­a­zine only 44% of Amer­i­cans are plan­ning leisure trav­el in 2020. Of those, 81% will take a day trip and 72% expect to take overnight vaca­tions. Most impor­tant­ly, the over­whelm­ing major­i­ty don’t expect Con­tin­ue reading…

A Ten Step Plan To Repave Old San Juan

We need to repave Old San Juan. It’s over­due and the city is falling apart. We also need to con­vert Old San Juan into a pedes­tri­an city. So here’s a 10 step plan to do just that. My name is Orlan­do Mer­gal. Think of me as a guy with a cam­era, a com­put­er and the Inter­net. I’ve been vis­it­ing Old San Con­tin­ue reading…