San Juan Gate



About a quar­ter mile beyond the “Raíces” foun­tain you will find “San Juan Gate”.  In colo­nial times, pas­sen­ger ships arriv­ing at San Juan har­bor would anchor away from the pier out­side San Juan Gate and small­er boats would bring their pas­sen­gers to shore. From there, arriv­ing vis­i­tors would walk up “La Cale­ta de San Juan” –which is imme­di­ate­ly behind San Juan Gate– and go straight to San Juan Cathe­dral to thank God for a safe voyage.

Right before reach­ing San Juan Gate there is still anoth­er tree-cov­ered square hon­or­ing Isabel de Trasta­ma­ra, the catholic queen of Spain that was so instru­men­tal in fund­ing Cristo­pher Colum­bus in his voy­age of discovery.

Before enter­ing San Juan Gate notice the inscrip­tion above that reads “Bene­dic­tus Oui Ven­it In Nomine Domi­ni”.  It means wel­come those who come in the name of God, a tes­ta­ment to the city’s Catholic heritage.

Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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