Ceiba A Town In Limbo

In Puer­to Rico there are towns that stand out for their his­to­ry. Oth­ers because of their exu­ber­ant nature. Oth­ers are just mag­nif­i­cent cities. And still oth­ers are best to vis­it on your way to some­where else. Then there are towns like Cei­ba, that bake in the Caribbean sun in a sort of lethar­gy… a “lim­bo” state, if you will. It’s Con­tin­ue reading…

Dorado, 23 Square Miles Of Beauty And Adventure 

If Dora­do weren’t called Dora­do, it would need to be called “Lin­do”. Why? Because it is! You see, the word “lin­do” means “pret­ty” in Span­ish, and that’s one thing that this town def­i­nite­ly is. Dora­do is the 12th small­est munic­i­pal­i­ty in Puer­to Rico and the 6th in terms of per capi­ta income. With that comes lots of finan­cial inequal­i­ty, but that’s Con­tin­ue reading…

Barranquitas, Where Beauty and History Come Together 

This week my wife and I vis­it­ed the town of Bar­ran­quitas, Puer­to Rico. It’s a small town that sits almost at the geo­graph­i­cal cen­ter of the main Island of Puer­to Rico. As you will recall from sev­er­al of my pre­vi­ous posts, Puer­to Rico is a group of islands but it’s not an arch­i­pel­ago. How can that be pos­si­ble? Aren’t they both Con­tin­ue reading…

Guayama, it could be so much more! 

Puer­to Rico is a great place to write a trav­el blog. And if you’re cov­er­ing the town of Guaya­ma, it’s even bet­ter. Or is it? Last year was a great year at Puer­to Rico By GPS. After being sort of dor­mant for a very long time, we decid­ed to “take the bull by the horns” and embark in a 3‑year project Con­tin­ue reading…