Things People Forget When Visiting Puerto Rico

This post cov­ers the lit­tle things… the things that many peo­ple leave behind… the things that can spoil a day… the things that don’t let you enjoy a place to the fullest… the things that are easy to for­get! Of course, you want to dis­cov­er every cor­ner of sun­ny Puer­to Rico. You’re eager to enjoy Old San Juan, the Span­ish Con­tin­ue reading…

Driving In Puerto Rico

So you’ve made up your mind?  You’re rent­ing a car and explor­ing the Island of Enchant­ment on your own?  Dri­ving in Puer­to Rico is easy, once you under­stand a few sim­ple pecu­liar­i­ties.  And in the fol­low­ing video we cov­er them all. Most may­or car rental com­pa­nies are estab­lished in Puer­to Rico and many new mod­el cars are equipped with built-in GPS units. Con­tin­ue reading…

See Everything With Puerto Rico By GPS

Hi every­body.  Wel­come to the Puer­to Rico By GPS blog In this first install­ment I’d like to show you around the site and tell you a lit­tle bit about our plans.  Puer­to Rico By GPS is going to be a liv­ing, breath­ing site.  That means that it’s con­stant­ly going to be updat­ed with new and won­der­ful places to vis­it. Every time we Con­tin­ue reading…