Museum Of Transportation, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico

Now here’s a place that you’d nev­er expect to find on a small island like Puer­to Rico.  The Muse­um of Trans­porta­tion, in the munic­i­pal­i­ty of Guayn­abo, is noth­ing short of a jaw drop­per. And it’s new!  The muse­um opened its doors on Decem­ber 1, 2013 and it has become an instant sen­sa­tion among car afi­ciona­dos of all ages and the Con­tin­ue reading…

Museum Of The Americas, A Rare Gem In Old San Juan, PR

Most peo­ple that vis­it Puer­to Rico come here because of a hand­ful of rea­sons. Some come because of the beach­es.  Oth­ers come because of the Span­ish forts in Old San Juan.  Still oth­ers come because of the mar­velous Puer­to Rican cui­sine and the trop­i­cal cli­mate. But very few come because of our muse­ums. Well, let me tell you.  That’s a Con­tin­ue reading…

Popular Questions About GPS In Puerto Rico

It’s fun­ny.  I launched this site less than a year ago.  Since then I’ve cov­ered close to 100 des­ti­na­tions in Puer­to Rico and pub­lished over a dozen posts about beau­ti­ful places to see.  I’ve shot videos for our YouTube Chan­nel, post­ed on Face­book, LinkedIn and Twit­ter and sent out thou­sands of emails pro­mot­ing our site.  And the ques­tions I receive Con­tin­ue reading…

Puerto Nuevo Beach… Vega Baja, Puerto Rico

Dur­ing the past week I “stopped the press­es”.  I put my pod­cast on hia­tus for 2 weeks, my blog “Pica­dil­lo”, my two YouTube chan­nels and my social media par­tic­i­pa­tion.  Why?  To share some time with a friend from Texas who was vis­it­ing the Island and with my son and his wife, who live in Okla­homa and showed up unex­pect­ed­ly on Con­tin­ue reading…

Las Cabezas De San Juan… Nature At It’s Best

This week I went back to nature. I got on my SUV, drove to the town of Fajar­do and vis­it­ed “Las Cabezas de San Juan”, a nature reserve unlike any oth­er in Puer­to Rico. Fajar­do is a small town on the north­east­ern tip of Puer­to Rico, about a 30 to 40-minute dri­ve from the San Juan Metro­plex. And believe me, Con­tin­ue reading…

The 2014 San Sebastian Street Fiestas Are Underway!

Yes­ter­day was a great day in Old San Juan.  Despite a lit­tle rain a few min­utes before com­mence­ment, the 2014 edi­tion of the San Sebas­t­ian Street Fies­tas start­ed right on time about 5:00pm. Writ­ing a whole new post about the 2014 San Sebas­t­ian Street Fies­tas (or SanSe 2014, like the younger crowd has come to call them) would be redun­dant.  Con­tin­ue reading…

Meet The Cabezudos… San Sebastian Street Fiestas 2014

The 2014 edi­tion of the San Sebas­t­ian Street Fies­tas is about to start. Next Thurs­day, Jan­u­ary 16, 2013, may­or Car­men Yulín Cruz will be cut­ting the tra­di­tion­al rib­bon and the 44th edi­tion of the world’s largest event, tak­ing place dur­ing the month of Jan­u­ary, will com­mence. I could write for hours about the San Sebas­t­ian Street Fies­tas. I could tell Con­tin­ue reading…

Do You Need A Dedicated GPS Unit To Visit Puerto Rico?

The oth­er day I received an email from one of our read­ers ask­ing which was the best GPS unit to vis­it Puer­to Rico. Although most may­or brand GPS units include Puer­to Rico in the US maps, I guess the real ques­tion should have been: do you actu­al­ly need a ded­i­cat­ed unit at all? With the emer­gence of smart­phones dur­ing the last Con­tin­ue reading…

San Sebastian Street Fiestas 2014… Let The Party Begin!

Christ­mas is almost over for many Amer­i­cans. Just yes­ter­day they were tear­ing open their presents, and in 5 more days they’ll be count­ing down the hours to 2014. Then it’ll be back to work. Not in Puer­to Rico! In Puer­to Rico the par­ty is just begin­ning. Christ­mas on the Island kicks off on Thanks­giv­ing Day and extends all the way to Con­tin­ue reading…

Winter In Puerto Rico

It’s win­ter in Puer­to Rico and it’s get­ting cold.  Sev­en­ty some­thing, that is.  But rather than just tell you about the com­fort­able “air-con­di­­tion­er-like” cli­mate that the Island enjoys dur­ing this time of the year, I thought I might show you. The image that’s on the right is a pho­to of the old Sun­beam ther­mome­ter that I have in my back porch.  Con­tin­ue reading…